Friday, April 16, 2010

Who I look up to!

 The original idea for this post, and all the posts that I've been making tonight have come from Edmond. He made up 50 posts that he hoped anybody would do. So far I've completed and published 4 of them. I'm hoping to get them all finished.. but that would only happen if my posts were one sentence long. Anyways, the original idea Edmond had was 'Who I admire the most.' But I don't really admire anybody. I look up to some people. But not exactly anybody famous people or celebrities like most common people.... 

 I look up to my older sister. I guess the reason I say that I look up to my sister Cortni is because I copy her A LOT! I guess because I like a lot of the same things she likes. I don't really know what else to write for this post.. it's way shorter than I thought it would be. I guess i just look up to her because she was a good student, and is good with understanding mine and my sisters problems. She's a good big sister. And I aspire to be like her with my sisters too! :) 

 I hope you enjoyed this REALLY short post! Anyways, This is most likely the last post of the night so GOOD NIGHT! 

 Also, visit Cortni's blog at ---> She's a great writer! :) CHECK IT OUT! 

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