Saturday, April 24, 2010

Community Clean Up!

 Tomorrow, Sunday April.25th, is Fort George Park community clean up day. I will be attending, along with my mom and my three younger sisters. I'm trying to convince my mom to let my mom let me do my Lemonade stand where people will be garbage picking.. because it would be BIG business.. unfortunately she's making me clean up also. 

 I just wanted to let you know what a good thing the community is getting together to do. I know there will be good results and I can't wait to see them. I'm going to be doing a post about how it turns out. The places that I think need the most attention and care, are the back alleys. There's all different things back there. Things you couldn't even imagine. Pool noodles, Mufflers, Bouncy Balls, Hockey Pucks, Shopping Carts... etc. It's really kind of disgusting back there though, especially with this weather because it's super muddy back there right now. I also thing that Patricia Blvd. being a rather main and busy street, could use some extra cleaning. It's pretty messy around there. By the river, along the Cottonwood island trails there is a lot of garbage also. Despite, the garbage cans every 2 or 3 miles. 

 This was a short post, but I just thought that I should let you know what the community is doing tomorrow. It's going to be a beautiful thing.. hopefully it's a beautiful day! :) 16° is what the weather forecast has been saying, I'm praying that mother nature exceeds their expectations though! AREN'T WE ALL??!!?! 

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