Friday, April 23, 2010

Earth Day on Club Penguin.

 As you know, well you may not. But yesterday was Earth Day. So this post is one day late. I didn't really have enough time yesterday so I'm doing this post today, a day late. Anyways, moving on. 

 This post is going to be showing you how Club Penguin celebrates Earth Day. I'll just be showing you pictures quickly, and telling you what places they are. 

 This is the page where you log in to Club Penguin. As you can see they edited it specially for Earth Day. 

  This is the cover of the new newspaper. They edited it specially for Earth Day. 

  This is just an article that I found interesting about a new room opening. I hope it's still there as I didn't get to see it because of my grounding. I'll check it out tonight after school. 

  This is where the new room is located, it's to the left of the mine shack as you can see. I'm not sure what you do here. Something to do with recycling.. when you try to go in this is what you will be seeing --> 

   Something about a recycling plant. I don't have all of the various recyclable items that can be found around Club Penguin. I'm working on it though. I think I was able to find 3 of the many items yesterday in Info Tech class.

  I'm going to move onto the rooms you typically see that have been updated. This is the town. You are automatically sent here in most of the CP (Club Penguin) servers. That is if this room isn't full. If it is, the secondary room is normally the plaza. Although, I have been logged into the beach, and dock sometimes also. One time my sister got logged onto the Cove. This is because all of the rooms were full. I think this was when she was trying to meet Candance. It was getting pretty crazy online Club Penguin that day. 

  The last picture that I'm going to be showing you is the Plaza. You can see a recycling item in the right corner I think.. I'm not sure. Anyways, this is usually the first secondary room you'll be logged onto if the Town is full. 

 That's all I wanted to show you, I'm going to be trying to do one big post about all of the new catalogs. If you're a member then most of it won't apply to you! :( Unfortunately.. but you can always become a member. I think I talked about becoming a member in my first CP post. Anyways, BYE! 

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