Friday, April 16, 2010

My most Serious Injuries

 The truth is, I've never really had many very serious injuries. I guess I've started this post now though. So I have to think of something. Here goes... 

 I guess, in truth, the most serious injury that I've ever had is... maybe bruising my tail bone. Or burning my leg on a motor bike. I'm going to tell the story of both. 

                   My Burn.

 It all started when my nephew Kihei was at our house. This was a long time ago. We lived in our Old, old house as we like to call it. The house is located on Brodman Road. Out near the airport. I lived here... umm, most of my life. But I had a house before this house also. Moving on, Kihei had brought his motorbike along with him because this was the thing at the time. My dad suggested I try to ride the motorbike, and I started acting all cool. Pretending that it would be no problem and pretending like I didn't need any help starting it or anything. I tried to start it myself for quite some time until my dad helped me start it up. I roared away, leaving an ominous cloud of dust in my tracks. I sped out towards the big field behind the house where we kept the horses. But for some reason, which I can't remember they were gone or in a different field. I started to go out deeper and deeper into the field, when I touched my leg to the side of the bike by accident and I burnt my leg. It wasn't really an actual burn. Just hurt. I'll always remember it though. It was on my right leg. Because  when I jumped off of the bike in alarm, the bike stopped and I couldn't start it again. So I walked back towards the house, hanging my head in shame.. until my dad took Kihei out there and started trying to get it started up, for Kihei, yet again. 

            My Bruised Tail bone. 

 It all started when I was at horse-riding lessons. It was my first time cantering on a horse. I was scared as anyone trying anything new normally is. She decided to put me on the longe line. Which is a rope that attaches to the horses bridle and the teacher holds the other end. The bridle is the thing that goes around the horses face and contains the bit and attaches to the reins (which you hold onto.) Anyways, Nicole (our teacher) was holding the longe line and told me to go up to the canter. To go up into the canter you squeeze your outside leg into the horses belly and kiss with your lips. It was really fast at first, and it was scary. But I couldn't get the smile off of my face. It was exhilarating! I didn't really know how to hold on without bouncing all over, or tugging on her mouth too much. So I tried my hardest to hold on, but even then I was flying at least two feet off of the saddle. When we finally stopped the horse came to a really abrupt stop, and I almost flew off. But instead I landed on, what I call, the rump of the saddle. It's sort of the back of the saddle, and it curls upwards.. so you can sit more comfortably in the saddle when riding. The saddle I was using was really hard wood, so it hurt a lot. Luckily, this was the end of the lesson. My but really hurt, and I could barely get off of the horse, let alone walk. It hurt for at least a week, until it started getting a little bit better. Now, whenever I fall on my but it feels like I have bruised my tail bone all over again. It only hurts for short periods now, but even now as I sit in the chair, it doesn't hurt. But if I lean back it hurts.. I don't know why this is. And these are pretty wimpy injuries. But they're all I got so I hope you enjoyed! :) Thanks for reading. 

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