Friday, April 16, 2010

True Friends

 Do you have true friends? Are they friends who will stick with you to the end. I usually like to start out thoughtful posts with questions. So that I keep you thinking while you're reading. This post is about True Friends. Maybe reading it will help you realize who your true friends REALLY are. Or maybe, it will just help me rant! Who knows. Hopefully this will be a win, win situation. For both me, and you guys! My readers. 

 To me, true friends are people who are always there for you. No matter what's happening in your life, and even if they don't exactly agree with your opinions or choices. I think that it doesn't matter how long you've known someone. You can be best friends with somebody since grade one, but they can turn on your in an instant. 

 For example, you may have had a friend since Grade One, who has been through it all with you! They know you better than you know yourself. But one school change and they've turned on you. They like different people, and rarely talk to you. They were what I like to call, Temporary Friends that you held onto  for too long. But, if you have friends who you've known for less than a year, and they're already better friends then those Temporary Friends ever were then they are true friends. 

 The point is, that the length of time that you've been friends or known someone for doesn't matter. There's a group on facebook sort of like this. It says that 'True Friends are not the people you've known the longest, but the people that know you and haven't walked away.' Or something like that. For example, I have a friend (not saying names) who I've known since Grade one, and we're not that close anymore. We barely talk at school. But I just made some new friends Edmond, Ashley, Dallan, Chloe, Devin, Caleb.. I'm closer to some of those people than I am to the girl I've been bff's with since Grade one. 

 Edmond knows me better than the girl probably ever knew me, or ever will know me. Ashley and Chloe are always there to help me with homework. They don't diss me or call me a retard because that's what people do because they think it's funny. I have another friend named Arshdeep. She's really great also. I just met all the people I've name this year. And I'm closer to them than (as I said) The people that I spent all of my elementary years with. I think that if I hadn't met Edmond, Ashley or Chloe I would be a different person. That's what true friends are.. they change you. Sometimes they help you to realize who you are. When I go to Duchess it's going to be really sad, because I've only just met these amazing people and I'm leaving them at the end of this year. I'm trying to make our last months count. 

 I wish I could have made this post longer, but I've got a lot of posts to publish tonight, and I'm starting to draw a brain fart. I don't want to ruin the moment with stupidness. I hope you enjoyed this post. :) And I hope that it helped you to have a clearer understanding of what true friends really are. 

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