Monday, April 19, 2010

Last tears I shed.

 This is another post that Edmond recommended I do. Please, check out his blog here ---->

 Anyways, the post he asked me to do was... "Last time I cried, and why." This is hopefully going to be brief, and quick.. Who knows though. You know how I ramble. :P

 The last time I cried was last night. Being April 18th. Sunday night. That explains the first part.. the why reason was just a lot of things running through my mind. And I'm really bad at controlling my emotions, so all those angry, and sad thoughts kind of just exploded out of me in a burst of tears, and sobs. Luckily, my dog was there to comfort me. I could explain the whole Why part more.. but there's really no point in bringing back memories. 

 Actually, now that I think of it.. the last time I cried was today.. but it was like a couple tears. Pretty much the same reason. Just a bunch of things, pilling up.. trying to find a way out! It was today after school in my dads truck. I don't consider it a cry though, as it was a couple little measly tears! That didn't really mean anything. It makes me sound like a wimp, but the main reason I shed those two tears was because I've been having a hard time with math, maybe it was stress. Stress for the test tomorrow. Anyways, that wasn't considered a cry. So we'll just stick to the first one that I mentioned! 

 Hope you enjoyed this short little post.. about crying.. LOL! :) It was a weird, and depressing topic to pick now that I think of it Edmond.. but I did it anyways! BYE! 

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