Saturday, April 24, 2010

Schedules Save Lives.. and Groundings!

 Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. This is my weekend. Some weekends aren't as organized as others. But I always manage to squeeze in a little bit of fun here and there. This post is going to be about the perfect weekend.. if I could plan it!

 Friday night I would sleep at a friends house, we would have fun.. obviously! Then on Saturday morning we would do something like.. mall or bike ride, or maybe a walk to Tim Hortons, or McDonalds. Most likely, Tim Hortons. After that we would go to their house and I would ride my bike home. When I got home I would blog and probably do some other stuff like computer. Saturday night I would spend the night at another friends house. And on Sunday we would for sure go shopping at the mall. I would get lots of clothes, and some flip flops. Mine are seriously damaged beyond repair. Surprisingly, I am still wearing them to school! I would also get books, and a pink cell phone case. Because my black one broke... somehow. After that I would go home, do laundry, clean my room, and relax. Probably do some blogging and facebook in between all of that hard work though. Computer time would be the relax time. I would have to do homework after the computer time of course but I'm not counting hard work. 

 Notice I didn't count my Sunday papers, and I didn't count Piano lessons. This is what I wish all of my weekends were like. This is what I wish a typical weekend at my mom's house would be like. 

 Hope you liked the short, pointless post. It's the last for the night. So I hope you read it slow.. BYE! :) 

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