Monday, April 19, 2010

Ten Fears.

 This is another post that Edmond has suggested for me, I'm going to be listing my top ten fears and doing a short description on each.. they are in no certain order! Enjoy! :) 

 1) Dying. This is something Edmond is also scared of, just the thought of dying scares me.. I don't want to! I want to enjoy this life and this beautiful world we live in for as long as I can. But I don't want to leave in a horrible way. I don't want to be gone.. because you're GONE for good. You're not coming back to the earth. Maybe in spirit. If that's your belief. It just scares me, the fact you're not coming back, or maybe the fact that some deaths are more harsh than others! This fear is commonly known as necrophobia, or thanatophobia.

 2) Primary Malnutrition. This is caused from the lack of essential foodstuffs (normally vitamins, minerals, or proteins) in the diet. I fear this because I'm underweight. Mainly, because I have an outrageously high metabolism. But also, because I am involved in different sports. I do sit around a lot. But for some reason, I never gain a pound! In some ways I'm lucky.. but in others I am not. 

 3) Murder. This is not one of the highest fears.. as it is on the more uncommon side. Well, I shouldn't say that.. there is murder in Prince George. But it scares me a lot. I'm not sure why. Being in the house alone scares me a lot.. showering when there's no other adult in the house scares me a lot. It scares me just writing this paragraph. Because I'm home alone.. my heart is beating fast and I'm starting to sweat. I just want to end this paragraph here. 

 4) STI's. After today, I have a new fear of STI's. We had a presentation from  a health care nurse and it really made me think how common, and scary this kind of stuff really is. It never worried me before.. and it's really early for me to worry about it. But she told us how common these STI's were, and it totally freaked me out.

 5) Dark. This fear is related to my fear of murder, because for some reason the dark always makes me automatically think of scary things. Monsters, silly things like that. I have always believed that in the light I could not be harmed. Because all of the dangerous and scary things would be exposed.. excuse me while I turn on the light! This fear is also known as nyctophobia, scotophobia, or lygophobia.

 6) Change. Although I have tackled many changes in my short life, I haven't handled it very well. Because, I'm not very good about change. I like routine. I don't like change. Maybe you wouldn't consider this a fear. But I do. I don't like it, it's a fear. This is also known as neophobia. 

 7) 2012. I am scared to face the end of the world, even if it never comes. The thought is overwhelming... The End.

 8) Hell. Just thinking about hell gives me chills to the bone. I don't have much to say about this fear. It scares me to think about it. This fear is also known as hadephobia, stygiophobia, and stigiophobia.

 9) Losing Salvation. This isn't one of my worst fears, but it worries me from time to time. I'm always worried that anything I do can take away my salvation, ruin everything. Sometimes, well more frequently than sometimes.. I worry that anything I think, think wrong that is, can take away my salvation. It scares me. 

10) Being Poor. All my life, since I could walk and talk, or even think for crying out loud. I have been afraid of becoming poor. Mostly, I've been WANTING to be rich. But that comes with the fear of being poor. It's kind of a package deal.  I think that the reason I'm scared of this is because I want so many things, I want to give back, I want to indulge, I want to be happy. I don't want to struggle like so many people who can't pay bills do. I want to enjoy life! It's rare, but some people are well-off and don't struggle as much as some people. I want to be one of those people who saves and saves.. and then one day, breaks through. And doesn't need to save anymore. Again, all of these wants comes with the additional fear of becoming poor. It would ruin me. 

 I hope you enjoyed this post. A couple of the fears were kind of depressing. I didn't include phobias for every fear, but I know they all have more certain names, also known as phobias. Another additional fact that I would like to add is something my Dad mentioned to me when I told him I was in the midst of writing this post. He said that about 99% of your fears in life don't come true. It's a proven fact. Google it if you want to find out more, or if you don't believe  it.

 Sources from:, and 

 Another important note: I did not steal any information from these websites, they simply helped me to locate the phobias of different fears, and I used to lists to try and find fears that related to me. 

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