Thursday, April 22, 2010

New Google.

 As you probably know if you visit the 'Website I frequently Visit' section at the bottom of my page then you probably know that Google is the brain I never got. You can find anything on Google. From, 'Accessing the Internet for Dummies' to 'How to go to the Bathroom after your wife plugged the toilet, and the doctor prescribed you constipation pills!' 

 The point is, the possibilities on Google are endless! You can type in any statement and there is always hundreds of results! Some of the top websites that you'll find on Google are.. Yahoo Answers, and Wikipedia! I personally like Yahoo answers the best. Because, first of all... I'll do another post about these two information websites. In shorter sequence, Wikipedia has a lot of links, and is very hard to understand. Harder than Yahoo Answers for example. It's real people, who have experience in all of the situations you may need answers on. I like it for many other reasons. I'll do another post about this some other time. I'm getting side-tracked.

 This post was mainly created so that I could show you the new Google browser thing. I'm not sure what it's called but it's really cool! I love when they change it. It's always a nice little change, and excitement that excites me when I log onto my computer and go to Google. Below is the picture of the new.. let's call it search bar embezzlement. 
  The reason they change it is because it's Earth Day. It's also Earth Day online Club Penguin. Check it out! :) I'll post picture about it later. I hope you enjoyed this post! BYE! =) 

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