Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Real or Not Real?

 Reality T.V. shows. Real, or not real? That's the first question that pops into my head when I see something advertised as a Reality T.V. show. What do you think?

 From my experiences, reality t.v. shows aren't real. Maybe the odd one or two are, but there have been a couple where you can tell the family is 'acting' themselves, or acting who they want us to think they are. Maybe it's for the money, or maybe it's simply a popularity issue. Such as, the hit reality series Jon & Kate Plus Eight. This reality show started out innocent, and real. But near the end, it all started to fall apart. Nobody knows why for sure, and all I've heard is the tabloids that rarely tell the truth, but in my opinion, they didn't think that the reality t.v. series was going to be such a hit. They thought that it wasn't going to make much money, and then it started raking in the big cash. This is only my opinion, I'm not in any way stating that this is in any way true. I think that they became money hungry, when they found out that so much money could be at the tip of their fingers. They definitely took it to the extreme! 

 Who knows if they were acting or not though, maybe the money truly did change them. This post is becoming too much about one reality show, rather than reality shows in general... continuing. 

 I'm not trying to point fingers at any certain reality t.v. shows that are out there, but you all know they're not all real. There's some that are though. But, wouldn't you think that it shouldn't be allowed for people to false label their shows as reality shows, if it's not going to be a reality from the start. You may still enjoy watching it, but some people are hungry for drama, and that craving isn't satisfied unless it's real-life drama. That's only some people, others are satisfied with a couple lies here and there. I, myself don't think that they should be lying about who they are or who their family is on a reality t.v. shows. 

 That's pretty much all I have to say though, this post was kind of short. But I didn't have much time. I just want you to think about this, do you want to be fed lies, from a so-called reality t.v. shows? Or would you rather be seeing the real deal. Would you rather be watching what they tell you your'e going to be watching, and getting out of this program? Think about that, and I hope you do a response to this post :) It was fun to do. I hope you enjoyed. =) 

 This was another post idea from Edmond Lo---> www.edmondscenter.blogspot.com 
   -Please check it out- 

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