Tuesday, April 27, 2010

If I was in Kindergarten.. this is what I would bring to Show & Tell.

If I were a kindergarten student, and I was asked by my teacher to bring in one little object, that would fit in the palm of my hand. But was the most important thing in the world to me.. I would bring.........

 I think that the most important thing to me.. back then of course. Is my boeboe. That's how it's pronounced. But I would prefer to spell it like Bobo. It was a tiny strip of some pink cloth that was so cozy. Just the smell of it was comforting. Old, and musty. I would suck on two of my fingers, and run it through three fingers. I always imagined that it was like a factory. Making products all day. I imagined that it was my job. And that my Bobo was the conveyor belt. I would fall asleep "working" and I would wake up with my Bobo. I could never find it. I remember searching for the longest time every morning just to find it. And when I couldn't find it, and I had given up. My mom would go into the closet where she store a big blankey. It was like a giant Bobo. She would cut it into a skinny little long and narrow strip, and that was my new Bobo. The reason she gave me one at a time was because though they got lost quicker, I could always just go and get another one from the closet. I went through a HUGE blankey a month, almost. But then I just stopped sucking my fingers, maybe because my mom stopped buying the blankeys, and then I started to adapt the habit of sucking my fingers without the Bobo. I eventually learned to stop though. 

 I'm glad that I only sucked my fingers because at least it's better for your teeth than sucking your thumb is. To this day, I can't even remember what fingers they were that I sucked on all day and night. Me and my Dad always try to remember. But I think if I asked my mom she would know. I'm going to do that right now. She said that I sucked on my ring finger and middle finger. So I was wrong about the three finger thing. I just stuck my fingers in my mouth (they're washed) and it feels right so I'm going with that. Uh Oh! This post was a bad idea. I'm getting into the habit. I have an old raggedy Bobo downstairs somewhere. I'll find it come other time and then I'll update this post with pictures. Did I mention that it is a light pink color. It was always tattered. I made sure of that! 

 Anyways, I would bring the Bobo because when I was younger, it was the most comforting thing in the world, next to, of course, my mom and dad's hugs! I sucked my fingers until Kindergarten. It was a good habit in many ways. I think I replaced it with biting my finger nails. Which is a much worse nasty habit. This post turned out to be less about show and tell, and more about the importance of the show and tell item itself. I'd better go now. I hope you enjoyed reading this post. BYE! 

 This was another post recommended to me by Edmond Lo. Thank-You Edmond for the wonderful ideas.

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