Thursday, April 22, 2010

Free Rice.

 When I was in Elementary school we always went on this website, where for every right question you got it would donate 10 grains of rice throughout the world. At first, I thought it was a scam. And maybe they were getting paid for every question that people actually answered, and got right, of course! But, I soon found out that it is actually real. Our school donated over 1 million grains of rice all together. A couple years in a row. It was pretty amazing. It's a really easy way to do something good. 

 The other morning I had five minutes left before I had to be outside to catch the bus, I was going to go on Facebook quickly, but I decided not to feed my addiction. So then I logged onto Blogger and I was going to do a quick post. Then, I thought.. that would take too long. I then decided to go onto free rice, and I ended up donating over 500 grains of rice, in less than five minutes. I was pretty happy with myself. In Info Tech, when I'm not blogging or doing an assignment I go onto the website and donate some rice. 

 I re-discovered this website when my teacher on duty (TOC) In Info Tech was on it. She ended up donating over 10,000 grains of rice throughout the whole class. I donated 900 grains of rice that day. It was awesome. 

 I think that this website is for a good cause, and it's great for schools, and learning also. If you go onto the website, it automatically brings you to the game. You can go anywhere from here though. You can get to the home page, and you can learn more about the website and it's cause at the INFO page. You can contact the United Nations World Food Program at the CONTACT tab at the top. 

 You can get to the website here, it's really easy to remember also. I didn't type in 'Here' and simply add the link, because I want the link to stick. So that you don't need to come to my blog every time you feel like doing some good and donating some rice. Although, it would be good for my blog's publicity! 

 I hope you enjoyed this post, and I hope you donate some rice. Don't forget that there is many different subjects of learning. You can answer questions for all of your educational needs. There is different titles, and sub-titles. Learn, and donate away. AT THE SAME TIME! Below is a picture of the subjects panel, and the actual game. 

 This is what you will be seeing as soon as you come onto the website. Just click on the picture above to see a bigger image. Note: The 'Change Subjects' link is in the top right about the questionaire.

  This is where you can change the subjects. Click on the above picture to enhance the image, and see the large variety of the different subjects.

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