Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Is the Glass Half Empty or Half Full?

 What do you think? Is the glass half empty, or half full? In my opinion it's half empty. Most people don't really know the whole meaning of this thoughtful question. Here are my descriptions. 

 Half Full- You look back at life and remember the good things that have happened to you, you look back in satisfaction. You are happy with your life and your don't have many regrets. Take the Half Empty or Half Full quiz here. 

 Half Empty- You look back at life and can only remember your failures, you remember all of the times you have failed. You look ahead in your life and you see only bad things happening. You look back at life and have many regrets. You don't remember success but you remember failures. Take the Half Empty or Half Full quiz here. 

 I see the glass as half empty. Not just because that's what the quiz told me, but because when I look back at life, I do only remember the failures. The things that I could have done different, done better. The failures are what stick out. I think that most people remember failures because they were troubles, and it took longer to get over these troubles. Regrets are normal. Doesn't everybody have regrets? Regrets seem normal to me. But is that just me? 

 I think that maybe if you see the glass as half empty, then maybe you're a perfectionist. Maybe the reason you look back at your failures is because you think you could have done better. Well, I know I look back at my failures I KNOW I could have done better. 

 I don't really know where I'm going with this post but I know for one thing that I see the glass as half empty and I'm perfectly okay with that. This post was pretty short. I thought I could have written more. But I would really love to hear your opinions on whether you see the glass as half empty or half full.

 Also, take the quiz if you're unsure about what you see the glass as. Maybe you already know what you see the glass as, but take the quiz anyways. Maybe your mind will change. Again, I'd love to hear your opinions and, Thanks for reading!   

 This is what my little explanation of how I see the glass said. It was my results of the quiz. 

No matter what's going on in your life, you can always find something to complain about.
The world feels like an uncertain and even downright hostile place. it feels like the cards are stacked against you.

Even when things feel good, you don't believe they will last. It's important for you not to get your hopes up.
While you don't have to be a wide eyed optimist, a little positive thinking may help you enjoy life more. It might even improve your health!

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