Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What is normal?

What is normal? Is there a normal? Or better yet, what IF there wasn't a normal, or an imaginary normal. This is all very confusing which is why I would like YOU to think about it to yourself about what YOU think normal is! 

 But! The point is, wearing skinny jeans in the 40's would be about as normal as wearing black leather and black pants with dark red lipstick in our society!!! What I'm trying to say is that really, time decides what it wants to be popular during it. Which sounds confusing. But if you really think about it. There isn't a normal.. maybe a temporary normal. But when people say that you're 'not normal' it means that you're not a clone! Being normal means fitting in, and in our society to fit in you need to dress and act the same as every single person around you does. I envy the people who are different. Who stand out. And aren't followers. They're not afraid to step up and out of the crowd and flaunt their personality. If we were all like that, wouldn't the world be a better place. Everybody would dress differently and we would all have different personalities. 

 Society decides what is normal because to be 'normal' you have to be dressed alike your peers. Having said so, whatever your peers are dressed like, you're going to dress like, right? So pretty much, what they wear you wear. It is kind of confusing because it is like a circle. You follow people, and you're normal. You don't, and you're different. Does this make sense to you? It doesn't to me. Is there a normal? Or are we all striving to be something non-existent...        

 Please, think about this and maybe do a response. Thanks for reading. 

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