Monday, April 26, 2010


 Some people are more sensitive than other, some people get frustrated more easily than others. I'm one of the over sensitive type. The slightest pin drop can make me burst out in tears. I'm not sure how it all started, but I remember back to the earliest moment when my sensitivity truly shone through, and was revealed. 

 The earliest moment that I can actually remember was when I was a mere 20 months old, it was the week of my mom and dad's wedding. All of the family was at our house. We had a lot of property then, so we were all playing around and having a good time. I could walk, of course. I was over a year old. So I was playing around the deck, when my Uncle Chris told me very politely and sweetly to stop touching something. I think I remember it being because I could get slivers. I then burst out into tears and ran away crying. And when I say burst out into tears I mean literally, it was like a ocean started pouring out of my eye sockets! I couldn't breathe I was crying so bad. He didn't even say it very loudly. It was insane. The sad thing is, I wasn't tired at all.. that's just my sensitive side. Unless, I don't have a sensitive side... and I'm ALL sensitivity. Sensitivity can be a great trait to have, but not if you're as sensitive as me!

 My mom is persistent on reminding me that this was NOT in fact my earliest moment of sensitivity. She said that this was only one among many. Apparently I was this sensitive from the moment of birth. If you said a single word to me I would burst out crying. It's gotten better, but I'm still overly-sensitive.

 I hope you enjoyed this post about my sensitive problem! Not sure what to call it. Anyways, BYE! 

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