Monday, April 26, 2010

Keera's Blog.

 Keera is my sister. Sky7045 is Keera's penguin. All About Club Penguin is Keera's Club Penguin blog. 

 I just wanted to make a quick shout out post to my sister Keera's blog. She's 9 years old, and her blog has been getting better feedback than my blog. It's not AS edited as it could be, not that appealing. But she's got some good long posts in there. I hope you check it out, here's a picture of her blog. 

 It's a fairly new blog, which is why it's a little on the plain side. And not as full of Club Penguin as she would like it to be. But it's pretty cool. Thanks to Edmond she has the cute little puppy as her theme. He was the mastermind behind that. You should have seen it when I was trying to do it. Anyways I'll give you the link to her website. It's pretty easy to remember. It's also the name of her penguin on Club Penguin. Also, just click here. 

 Thanks for reading. I hope you follow her blog. =) BYE!

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