Thursday, April 15, 2010

Re:What I do on my computer?

 This post is a response to my friend Edmond's blog which you can go to here. The link Anyways, This post is going to be pretty much like his post. I'm just going to be showing you and telling you about what I normally do on my computer. I'll also include links to each of the things I'm doing. Enjoy :) 

  This is what my computer desktop looks like. The picture looks less blurry in this thumbnail believe it or not. It's really blurry. All you see is a bunch of little pixels. It kind of hurts your eyes. Does anybody know how to fix this? Anyways, here you can see Google Chrome, and below that is IMVU and The Sims 3. At the bottom is a bunch of boring stuff, and some music stuff. There's frostwire, iTunes, Sims 2 DoubleDeluxe, and Mozilla firefox. I'm using Google Chrome right now. 

 This is what it looks like when I open up my internet. At the top you can see what I normally open first. Including Facebook, Blogger, ClubPenguin, My school e-mail, Google Chrome Themes, and a new tab for Edmond's Blog. These are the first things I click on as soon as I come online. 

 This is facebook. As you can see I'm talking to Edmond and James. Edmond was just explaining to me how to take these pictures when I took them. Isn't that ironic.. in some twisted kind of way.


 This is ClubPenguin, I'm not logged in but I just thought I would show you what it looks like. My penguins name is Teagan53, and I'm a member. I haven't been on Club Penguin in a while, but I open it up every time I'm online just in case. 


 This is my schools website, I can get to my e-mail here. I just click on 'JMCS Webmail' where you see all of the tabs on the left. I mostly use my e-mail to talk to Edmond, and my Info Tech teacher sometimes sends project instructions through our e-mails. 


 This is where I get the themes for Google Chrome, I choose a new one everyday. I think that Mozilla Firefox has a lot more themes (personas) than Google Chrome because they have over 30,000! Anyways, Edmond taught me that there even was such a thing as themes, so thank-you Edmond. 


 This is my blog, and you most likely already know what this looks like because you're on my blog right now. It's just something I click on as soon as I come online because I normally make a new post. Have you noticed how I've been sticking to my post per day commitment? Pretty good, eh? 


 This is my friend Edmond's blog. As soon as I get on the computer I click on the tab to get to his blog.. just to check if he has a new post. Which he normally does because he's rather good at making a post per day. I suggest you read his blog because it's awesome. :) 


 Anyways, thanks for taking the time to read this post. And, I hope to be publishing another post tonight. I hope you enjoyed this post, and I hope it wasn't too boring. BYE! =) 

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