Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Goals I hope to accomplish before Summer 2010.

We all have goals. The key to making a list of goal that you hope to accomplish before a certain date, it is important to make your goals attainable. I have a lot of un-attainable goals. I made this list of all the goals that are within my reach before the summer of 2010.

  1. Get my laptop back. 
  2. Purchase a trampoline.
  3. Take Bailey to a groomer.
  4. Launch our Lemonade business.
  5. Use Excel to create a pay roll for me and my sisters.
  6. Order Summer Clothes from (hmmm?)
  7. Go shopping at Aeropostale in the mall.
  8. Sort out the bedroom situation.
  9. Set up wii system (by self) maybe a couple of tid-bits.
  10. Become 100 pounds (hmmm?)
  11. Don't lost cell phone. 
  12. Get at least 2 new pairs of shoes.
  13. Get ROCKBAND hooked up on the wii.
  14. Never go below $200.00 in my bank account.
  15. Type this list out and print it.
  16. Hook up my printer at home. (in my room-to my laptop)
  17. Bigger paper route (hmmm?)
  18. Go for jog to Cottonwood island park.
  19. Don't abandon blog.
  20. Successfully finish Grade 8.
  21. Get Cabel properly hooked up in room, if still in there.
  22. Go to Razors Edge with Celsey.
  23. Get Bailey the puppy bed from Petland.
  24. Dog walking job with Tammy & Craig (hmmm?)
  25. Do a post (on my blog) about this list.
  26. Stay a Club Penguin Member.
  27. Make travel plans for this summer.
  28. Keep following Edmond's blog.
  29. Encourage Edmond and Cortni to make this sort of list.
  30. Read Edmond and Cortni's list.
The reason some of the goals have the phrase 'hmmm?' at the end is because those are goals that I think I may not be able to accomplish. Such as, getting a dog walking job. They have to first agree upon it. sorry for the rushed ending. I hope you enjoyed reading this post. BYE! :)

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