Friday, April 23, 2010

High Schools..

 PGSS, Heather Park, DP Todd, Duchess Park, John McInnis. What school do you go to.. how did you stumble upon the decision that you were going to go to the school. Everybody has their stories.. here's mine. 

 This is a rather short story.. but I'm going to add in some future high school life and decisions near the end, also. First of all. Pretty much the only reason that I wanted to come to John McInnis Secondary School was because a lot of my friends were going there and because it is a smaller school than PGSS, or any other schools that me and my family were considering. I had planned on completing Grade 8 through 10 in John McInnis.. but unfortunately the government has decided to close down (then re-open) John McInnis, and a number of other Middle and Elementary schools. That's pretty much the story about why I decided to go to the High School I now go to. 

 The decision to go to John McInnis was pretty easy. Because all of my friends were going there, and both of my parents decided that it would be a good choice. The choice that I'm in the midst of making right now though.. not so much. There's lots of different schools. But I narrowed it down to Duchess Park and PGSS. My mom decided that PGSS would be good. Again, all of my friends are going there. And I want to graduate there because most of my mom's side and two of my older sibling (Cortni and Kristopher) graduated from that school. I think it would be neat to have some of the same teachers as them and my mom! Wouldn't you? Anyways, Duchess Park on the other hand is a brand new school.. and I know some people from there. It's smaller.. and my Dad really wants me to go there. It took a long time to decide upon, but then finally one night. My mom took the liberty of just registering me one night while she was at work.. just to make my Dad happy. She suggested I try a year. And if I absolutely hated it, then she would let me transfer into PGSS. This is final. Luckily, Duchess Park has a long waiting list.. so I can only pray and pray and pray that I don't get in. I think that the main reason choosing which high school to go to next year is that I have my dad wanting one thing and my mom wanting whatever.. but me not wanting either! It's very confusing.. but I don't want to make my dad sad, I just wish my parents were forcing me to go to a single school. I wish I didn't have a choice. 

 Breaking News, we received a letter that is telling us that Duchess Park has a waiting list more than a mile long. And they won't be able to tell me if I'm accepted into the school or not until Spring of next year! :) Which is a very good thing because that means I'm going to PGSS for grade nine. My mom is talking about me going to Duchess for Grade Ten, but I'm not going to. I'll be too attached to PGSS by then! :) Anyways this was a quick little post.. maybe it was confusing.. I'm not sure. I just wanted to let you know about High School.. and it turns out we just got that letter. So BYE! 

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