Friday, May 14, 2010

Shorten your links with the click of a mouse!

 At first, I thought that these shortened links were just something that celebrities did, I thought that it was some way of advertising or something.. maybe you had to be a celebrity. I don't know. But I just didn't know what they were, so I asked my friend Edmond. Who didn't know either. I think he Googled it, and found this website. You just go to that website (I didn't shorten it) and copy and paste your link into the given space, then you press 'Enter' and your link will be shortened below. There is a lot of websites that can do this, but this is the most user-friendly. Well, that's my thought.. it's also not so... it just looks more normal. Not so spammy. I'm going to shorten a couple links for you below, just so that you have a couple examples. 

This is the link to my blog-
This is the shortened link -

This is the link to youtube-
This is the shortened link -

 People use this shorten trick on many different social networks, and websites. Some people use it in text messages, msn, facebook, but I've seen it mainly on Twitter. On Twitter, there is a character limit of 140, so what happens if you're trying to tweet about a link that is more than 140 characters. You can't! So, this is a quick way to shorten your links, but they're still links. Lots of people use it, mostly on Twitter. But I've seen it in other places also. 

 Below is a picture of the website itself. You can see that it saves all of your previously shortened links, just in case you ever need to use them again, chances are.. you might. Also, once your link has been shortened, you don't even need to go to the trouble of highlighting it so that you can copy it. You simply scroll over the shortened link, and it will say 'Click to copy' then you click, and it's automatically copied. You can paste away then! Anyways, here's the picture. 

 I'm just a little bit confused as to what this is.. below. If you know what is is, please let me know.. picture below.

 Please click on the photo to enlarge it, then comment in the comment box, and answer my question. Thanks. Just to let you know, this area of the website is below the first picture that I showed you, confusing? Sorry.

 Anyways, I hope you liked this quick post, and I hope that you possibly learned something. It's just a quick trick to help you out, if you're ever limited in characters or space. Okay, bye. Next post is my one hundredth, are you excited??? I know I sure am!!! 

1 comment:

  1. I think your right Teagan - 3 is the amount of viewers...I think.

    I'm not sure though, I'm guessing.

    Popular sites, like bit and Youtube have a large obviously its viewers...I could be wrong though.

    Continue the great work on your posts,
