Friday, May 7, 2010

Plan Cancun!

 I have a lot of things that I see myself doing in ten or twenty years. One of them is learning to fluently speak Spanish, and then moving to Cancun, Mexico to build a big house on the ocean, and work at a resort. Maybe, after a while.. I'll purchase the resort.. if I get that dedicated. 

 Now, of course this isn't what I plan on doing for sure! But it's just an option. It's something I would love to do, but there's a few downsides to this plan. First of all, I would be forced to switch countries.. leaving all of my friends and family behind. Second, I would not become as successful as I have always hoped to, and third.. maybe it would be a waste of life. :/ But it would be an experience, and something that I would enjoy doing. Learning Spanish would be the hardest part. It would take a lot of practice and hard-work. Maybe, if I live in Prince George all my life. Saving up money and what not. Then I can travel the world for a while, and then retire young in Cancun! I'm not sure, I don't really want to be old. There's so many things that I want to do. Maybe, I'll just build a vacation house down there.. and I can dedicate every second month to Mexico! That could be a plan. I'll have to sort out the whole resort situation another time. I'm just in love with Cancun. I would go there, and I would give money to little poor children, and families. And I wouldn't drive a car. I would drive a scooter! They drive scooters, golf carts, and cars there. It's pretty interesting. Mainly, in Cancun they drive cars.. but in little islands off the coast of Cancun they drive other things, because that's where people staying at resorts tour. Another thing is that I wouldn't know anybody.. but I'm sure I would make some friends, I'll be older then. This post is probably really boring. I just wanted to let you guys know that this is one of my 'Plans for the Future.' I haven't really got one main idea that I want to set my sights on. But I wish I did, because then I could start basing my courses around it early. As in, next year. I know that I love computers, but I want a job that pays REALLY well, I also want my own office.. it just looks so cool to have my own computer in my own little office in the bank. You know? Those people who get their own offices. I'm just not that great at math. Is there a lot of math involved in that sort of job? If you know then that would be great.. just post a comment. It would be REALLY TRULY helpful. This post has been going off topic. But it's just supposed to give you a blurry vision of what one of my 'future plans' is. I'm calling this one 'Plan Cancun!' Like it? I hope so. Anyways, This post was really short.. and pretty aimless. I'm going to try and think of another post to do for you, and if it's good enough I'll publish it tonight. Okay, bye! 

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