Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Stride Mystery Gum!

 A couple days ago, my sister told me that she had a surprise for me in her pocket. Even though it's been a long time... I automatically assumed that it was 'Stride Mystery Gum' in her pocket. I was very enthusiastic, I was practically yelling through the phone. She told me that she would bring it to me as soon as she got off work. So, I waited impatiently for a while, until 4:35 PM when she got home. I was instantly downstairs in front of her demanding the gum (in a nice way of course.) She gave me the gum, and I ran upstairs to photograph it before I went away at it. Here are the pictures that I took-- 

 In the wrapper still. Are you liking the wrapper, Oh! And I forgot to mention that my sister only gave me one piece so I don't have the package to take a picture of for you. I also had to savor this piece like it was the last piece on the face of the EARTH!! 

 The wrapper when the gum was was in my mouth! :) Just so that you could see it more clear.

This is me trying to think what it tastes like, this face is not the most attractive... but I was honestly stump. It really IS a new taste altogether! It's like the name is on the tip of my tongue. The smell is familiar but I just, it's confusing. 

 Trying to blow a bubble. I look really concentrated! HAHAHA! Probably because that gum is so small in your mouth, you can barely wrap it around your tongue to blow a bubble. The gum is thin too. 

 Chewing the gum, and thinking about it too. This is a random picture. I was just SUPER bored. 

  Chewing again. LOL! :) 

 Smelling the wrapper, I still have the wrapper by the way. It's a really tough one, trying to think what it tastes like. The smell is like citrus, but the taste is just.. I'm not sure. It doesn't taste like it smells. It's weird!! HAHA Anyways, I'm confusing even myself as I type this.

 I hope you like this random gum post. Below is a picture of the actual gum package, just to give you another idea of what it looks like. 

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