Tuesday, May 11, 2010


 Today at school we were given a presentation about internet usage, texting, and a lot of other safety precautions to use when you're active on the internet. She taught me a lot. But I'm not here to write about her presentation which was very good, and not the slightest bit boring. I'm here to talk about what it inspired me to do. Even though I know it was not her intention. I decided to make a Twitter account. I've been considering it for a long time, but her presentation reminded me that I had been wanting to make an account. Then I got a bbm (blackberry message) from my brother's girlfriend, about something that Paris Hilton had 'tweeted' about Justin Bieber. I then knew that I wanted and was going to get a Twitter account.

 So, I got home, made an account, and got going on it. I followed Justin Bieber, Paris Hilton, Jessica Alba, Jackie Chan, Edmond Lo, Kat Von D, My Brother, My brother's girlfriend Kasia, and some other friends and stars. I also followed the singer/band whatever he is 'Meatloaf' because he's coming to our town soon, and I really want to see if he tweets about our town. And what he thinks about the crowds, and the city itself. I'm really liking Twitter, you can follow me at TeaganParke, how original, I know, right? 

 Anyways, I updated my bio, changed my picture TWICE, tweeted a total of 17 tweets, re-tweeted Justin Bieber ONCE! And changed my theme, THREE times. Is it safe to say that I'm addicted. I don't know, it's too early to know. But I can feel it coming, what I can see of a rising addiction is coming. I also downloaded twitter onto my phone, but it's 25¢/min. So, I don't think I'll be using that. But, I got the number to text Twitter, and it will make the text into a Tweet on my account. I have unlimited texting, so I don't think it costs money. I have a total of six followers, and I follow 19 people. But, my brother and Kasia have yet to follow me. So soon enough I will have 8 followers, impressive! 

 That's pretty much all I have to say, I'm liking Twitter a lot, I don't like it more or less than Facebook. They're equal in my book. I think that Twitter helps me to get connected more easily, but Facebook is more used by my peers. The only thing is that on Twitter, I feel so connected, it's so live! It gives me an adrenaline rush just thinking about it. So much power... That's what the lady at the presentation talked about. We have the power of the world in our hands. 

 Did you know, that in a common cell phone, we have more power than NASA had in 19__ to fly to the moon. Isn't that surprising. And, it wasn't even that early in the 1900's. If I remember correctly it was around 1976! Impressive, I know!! Think about it. 

 Sorry for such a short post, I just felt that I didn't want to break my record of post per day... which reminds me.. I haven't posted on my IT8 Blog in a long time! I'd better get on that tomorrow, or tonight. In the seven minutes of precious computer time I have left. I think I'll pass. Okay, BYE! =) Hope you enjoyed this post. Follow me on Twitter! 

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