Monday, May 3, 2010

High-School Dropouts.

What do these people imagine their adult lives as. Do they imagine that they're going to be handed everything in life, do they think that it's going to be an easier ride. We all know the truth, we all know that if you're a high school dropout, there's little chance of you having a successful lifestyle as you grow older. What leads these adolescents to come to the conclusion that they need to drop out of high school? There's many possibilities. But I'm going to be mainly talking about the effect that dropping out of high school can have on you, and my opinion on those many people that do decide that dropping out of high school is the only option that they have left.

 If you have nobody to look up to, nobody to help you when you're down in life, nobody to hug when you need a hug, who or what do you turn to? Most people would think that dropping out of school is one of their only options. Most would think that it is indeed their only option. It's a mystery to me why you would want to throw your whole entire life away, just to drop out of school. Maybe they never attend school or just aren't motivated enough to do their class and home work. I think that people normally smarten up around Grade Ten, because they either have an epiphany that drastically turns their life around.. or they finally start to realize that it all adds up, and high school isn't just about having fun. If you look at high school in a positive way, then it can be fun.. you don't have to look at it negatively. This is what these high school dropouts need to realize. 

 Dropping out of high school does NOT make you cool! If you think it's going to get you more friends, then you're wrong! If anything you're going to lose friends, while also sacrificing some of (what could have been) your best years! People that drop out of high school are usually challenged with a harder later life, they can have a lot of troubles finding jobs. Most of the time they take correspondent courses, where the homework is mailed to you. You schedule your own tests, and you take them in an office with a make-shift teacher. This puts your behind in life, and can usually be an annoyance to your life. 

 You may have some master plan about the career you're going to start up as soon as you drop-out. But what happens when that doesn't work out? Who are you going to turn to? You need to wake up and smell the roses. Quit dreaming.. most of the time drop outs think that education doesn't matter. They think that they've chosen some wonderful career that doesn't require education, and they expect that career to support them for their entire life. Even if you end up following this 'master plan' how long can it REALLY support you for before you decided to go back to high school? You'll be 50 years old, trying to get your Grade Twelve.. how will that feel?

 So, if you are considering, or ever find yourself thinking about dropping out of high school then consider this first, you're ruining your life. It will never be the same, no matter how much correspondent courses you catch up with, you won't get your dream job, and you will struggle a lot throughout life. Some people do get lucky when they drop out of high school, and found their own company in which you don't need any schooling. But many do not... this is why you need to consider the facts, before you make the fatal choice to drop out of high school. 

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