Sunday, May 9, 2010

Already Connected.. what is this!?!?

 Has Facebook ever given you the message that says "Already Connected?" Well, if so.. what is it? Is it some kind of glitch. If you've never received this message then I'll tell you what it is and how it happens. Say you're going to 'Like' a page, so you click the button... but then a message will appear that says " You are already connected.." Blah! Blah! Blah! This has happened to me a lot. I was going to do a post about it a long time ago, but I decided to do one today because it's quick and easy. (How lazy am I?) Well, below is a picture of me receiving this message.

 It frustrates me because I've joined this group so long ago that I don't even remember, so when I go to 'Like' it, I don't remember when I've joined it. 

 That's the end of the post, I'd love to hear about your 'Already Connected' experiences. You may not think it's that interesting of a post, but if you're in need of a quick five minute post idea.. this would be the one! =) Sorry for the short post. BYE! 

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