Thursday, May 13, 2010

My Day.

 Okay, I'm reaching my one hundredth post, and I'm very excited. I honestly can not wait. You're going to see that I rush to get to 100, then there will not be a new post for WEEKS! Until I can make my 100th post, juuuuuust right! 

 First, I woke up, got dressed, changed twice, did my hair, ate breakfast, went on the computer, texted some people, and caught the bus! Once I got off of the bus I went straight to my locker. My bus normally gets there late, so I just go to my locker and wait around and talk to people until the bell actually goes. Arshdeep was almost late, as usual! But, we weren't late for Metalworks surprisingly.. we kind of wanted to be late. Metalworks is really boring. So we just walked around for a long time. Then the last bell was about to go so she started booking it to the shops rooms. We weren't late. Metalworks was pretty fun, we did absolutely nothing but talk about boys ;) for the first 20 minutes, then we helped our teacher take some tape off of some drawings and stuff. Then we cut some metal, and started to make our metal man. Mine is a metal girl though! I'm not very close to being done, but I'm ahead of some people. I have sprayed some sticky glue on it, and put my drawing onto the metal that I cut out.. it sounds confusing. Anyways.....

 Break was next, I don't remember really doing anything but walking around. It was pretty boring.. so there's not much that I can say about it. 

 Next was Math class, we didn't do ANY math today, because we had some special presentation about Gangs in our community. There was a police officer and two young girls that were her 'assistants' or something like that. All they did was give us evil glares when we talked, it annoyed me. I don't think that they were much older than us. But they sure acted it. I guess it was there job though, so no harm done! At the end of Math, we just asked the lady questions, then the bell went and it was lunch time. 

 At Lunch I had to go to a Mount Robson Meeting, I'm kind of reconsidering even going on the trip, I don't know.. just re-CONSIDERING! Underling the 'considering' part of that. I ate a cinnamon bun, and I drank a Danactive. It was the strawberry flavor. YUMMY! We just walked around outside during Lunch hour, sat down for a bit. I had to help Arshdeep finish some homework that she didn't finish. After Lunch was......

 English, Arshdeep is not in this class, but we walk there together. We had a sub, well the sub works at our school.. but doesn't teach or class. Get it? Sort of... Anyways he was really nice, he had an awesome approach, and a great way of teaching! It was really interesting, and I learned stuff. Well, a lot of stuff.

 After English, was French. We had a real sub this time. It was fun. Everybody wasted a lot of time talking. We wasted at least a half hour. Talking. Well, not 'we' just the 'guys.' The sub let us play silent ball at the end of class. It was pretty fun. But this one really mean dumb guy in my class, threw the ball at my face! It hurt! But I didn't say anything. Just gave him 'The Glare.' 

 After French.. it was time to go home. I had somebody to wait with, because Arshdeep's mom was really late. Apparently she was shopping for furniture or something at the time.. so she waited with me. We walked around, inside and outside. But she was freaking out the whole time because her mom was always there at least five minutes early! And Arshdeep couldn't get a hold of her on her cell phone. So obviously she would be worried. Luckily, her mom came right before my bus... so I didn't have to wait alone at all today! I went straight to my bus, and went home. When I got home, there was a lovely surprise waiting there for me... NEWSPAPERS! My dad helped me again, so that made it easier! :) 

 Anyways, I'm being sentenced to bed! It's my bed time is what I mean. Okay, Good Night. I hope you liked this quick post. BYEEE! I hope this wasn't too boring. Adios! =) 

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