Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Edmond's Origami.

 Hello world! My friend Edmond, who you might remember from some of my older posts, (Origami Master, and others where I refer to his blog.) Made me some beautiful Origami and bought me some. I've already done a post on two of the things he made me himself. But I decided to show them again in this post. I'm not going to do explanations about the pictures, so it's going to be mainly a picture post. I'll just let you know which ones he purchased and which ones he made... Enjoy! =) 

 You haven't seen this one before. Edmond bought this one for me in Calgary.. how could somebody even fold this. I can't make a perfect normal sized one, let alone.. this teeny tiny one (reminds me of a song I know 'eenie meenie' LOL) Anyways, Edmond bought this with his own money, and I thought that it was just so nice of him to think of me! 

 This one is even tinier, and it's different paper, more colored. Aren't these pictures turning out clear? I took them all at just the right angle. I keep both of these small paper cranes in my specials purple memory box that I painted and created myself. Edmond also bought this one for me! 

 You've seen this one before, Edmond made this flying ninja star for me. With two colors of paper that go great together. This ninja star can transform into a frisby, it's really cool! He spent a lot of time on it. Thanks Edmond :) 

 You've seen this rose in my other post also. It's a little flattened up there, because I don't have a mini vase or anything to put it in, but Edmond made this one for me also. It's purple, and it's a rose.. flower. If you can't tell that already. It's not permanently flattened out, as soon as I take it down, it's back to normal. So don't worry Edmond. :) 

 Anyways, that's all of Edmond's origami. I hope you enjoyed this quick picture post, and a special 'Thank-You' shout-out to Edmond, for making this post post-able. And for making, and buying me all of this wonderful origami!!

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