Sunday, May 9, 2010

I finally learned how to hack.. kind of!

Well, my Club Penguin account kept getting hacked.. this isn't really related to the topic in anyway so I'm going to move on. I started reading this book 'Evil Genius' and one of the, well let's call it sub-topics, is that this little boy Cadel is pretty much a Pro Hacker. I've always wished that I was able to hack into some kind of computer database... maybe get into someones account without knowing their password on Facebook. Just for the thrill of it. Change up their status.. you know, the usual Facebook account hacking drill. Anyways, my friend Edmond recently did a post about how to 'fake hake' an account.. I'm not going to re-explain everything because he's SO DARN GOOD AT IT! So I'll just post the link for you, it's really quite cool how he explains it. So I hope you get the chance to check it out.

 This is sort of a revenge post, slash showing you what I can do now that I have learned how to fake hack somebody. It's not really even a hack.. but that's what I'm calling it. Below is a picture of what I did to Edmond's blog.. because he did the same thing to me in his 'How to pretend to hack' post. 

 LOL, it's not as funny as what he did about me, my next hacking post will be me hacking my sisters blog. It's I'm most likely going to be mainly making fun of her blog name.. ahaha, not that it's too bad.. just weird!! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this post.

 HINT: Click on the image to enlarge it and read the hidden text. =) 

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