Thursday, June 10, 2010

My 100th Post.

 I've been meaning to do this post for quite some time now... I think it's been over a month. Since it's my 100th post I feel that I have to make it special. It's kind of a mile stone in my blog's life. I don't really know what I'm going to be talking about. I don't want to make it too long and boring. So, I'm just going to start at the beginning of my blog.

 It seems like it's been so long since the beginning of my blog. I remember when I used to post once a day.. but it's been so long. I first started a blog because I thought it would be like a diary.. but it's not really like that. I searched 'How To: Start your own Blog' on Google, and one of the first results that appeared on the monitor was "Blogger." So naturally, I made an account and decided to try it out. I came up with a very cheesy name 'Teagan's Galaxy! =]' and got posting! I then inspired my best friend Edmond to make his own blog. Which is awesome! He has 100+ posts, and his 100th post was very well written. 

 See his blog here:

 Anyways, my first post on this blog was 'The name.. and how it came about,' or something like that. I just basically talked about what my blog was going to be like and why I named it what I did. And now that I think of it.. the reason is that I couldn't think of anything else to name it! Enough history now, I'm going to talk now about who made this blog possible, and always followed me. 

 My only main follower is Edmond. He has read and re-read all of my posts. I have other followers such as my two sisters, and my sister who does not have a blog but reads my posts. Edmond always took the time to read my posts. And he signs onto his computer everyday, and anxiously check my blog to see if I have made my 100th post yet. He's been encouraging me since my 99th post to make this post. And today I stayed home sick from school.. so here I am. Sick as a horse... but posting. Anyways, thanks to Edmond. 

 Next I'm just going to turn this into a normal post and talk about my day.

 I woke up very late, because I am sick and I don't have to go to school. Then I basically just lounged around the living room for a while watching t.v. There wasn't really anything interesting on, so I got on the computer and started posting. I also recently created a twitter account ( @teaganparke ) so I'm on that all the time too. That's my day so far.. I'm still in my pajamas and I haven't accomplished a single thing today, I have to deliver newspapers later today.. what a perfect day to get sick. Well, that's my day, hope it wasn't too boring. 

 Now, to tell you the truth I think that this post is very boring and I'm not sure what to write about now... I don't think it's long enough, and it isn't very interesting. I'm sorry, maybe I've lost my blogging touch. I'm going to choose a random topic, then I'm going to end this boring post. 


Twitter is an online networking site of some sort where you can 'follow' people to get updates on their life, and they can 'follow' you back if they choose to. I like twitter a lot. I have stopped using Facebook as frequent because of twitter. There is a lot of celebrities that use Twitter, and some of them follow back and even tweet you (twitter's word for messaging.) Some stars that you can follow on twitter are Kim Kardashian, Dr.Phil, Justin Bieber, Britney Spears, Usher, Paris Hilton, and many, many more. It's fun following celebs because you feel like you're in the know. ;P ! I follow a couple stars myself, and it's enjoyable. Some people think that Twitter is pointless because people think you're tweeting about everything you're doing every second of the day. But it doesn't have to be like that. People tweet about other things too.. here are some tweets from a couple of accounts on twitter that aren't just about what they're doing, and when they're doing something. 

Ive been waiting my whole life For a someone like you To go and pick me up and take away my blues.i love this song  - Tweeted by @OhLookItsStef
- There's a place downtown where the freaks all come around; it's a hole in the wall, it's a dirty free for all! ;) - Tweeted by ME! :) and Re-Tweeted by @OhLookItsStef

  A lot of people tweet about very educational and interesting things too. I've learned my share of knowledge from just reading tweets. If you're wondering what 'Re-Tweet' means, it is when you tweet or write something and somebody else, one of your followers or just a random person thinks that it's interesting and decides to share it with their followers, they will click on 'Re-Tweet' and now it is visible to their followers. That person's followers can now Re-Tweet it and it could spread around Twitter very fast. 

 You can also send 'Direct Messages' on twitter, these are messages that only the person you're messaging and you can see. So it's not all public on twitter. There's also privacy settings, one of which is the setting that if people want to 'follow' you (see updates on your and your tweets) they have to 'request' it, and then you can either Accept or Decline this request. 

 That's all I have to say about Twitter. I think you should try it out, it's quite enjoyable. It's a great past time, just don't get too addicted like me. Or you'll spend your whole life on that website! It's a great way to stay connected, and it can also be an alternative to Facebook if you're thinking of quitting facebook after all of these stories going around about how bad Facebook is. But, I'm not going to say anything further about that topic. 

 Onto my last topic, youtube.

 I recently uploaded my first youtube video of my friend Edmond tying his shoelaces in under one second. It's the only way he knows how to tie his shoes! Amazing, right?

 You can check out my youtube channel here: 

 And you can check out Edmond's channel here:

 Now, what I wanted to talk about is this.. I recently discovered a girl who can draw amazing portraits, and drawings of whatever! She has a youtube, twitter, and a blog. Alike me :) ! Some celebrities that she has videos of her drawing are... Kobe Bryant, Justin Bieber, Robert Pattinson, Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus, and more. The surprising thing is that she never took drawing lessons until a couple months ago. She's an amazing drawer, and she does paintings too. You can see her paintings on her blog. I'll post links to her Twitter, Blog, and Youtube below... I hope you follow her on Blogger and Twitter, and subscribe on Youtube to her. She has a cool contest going on right now that is very easy to enter. Check out the rules video here -

 She is going to be giving away a portrait of either yourself or a celeb that she has drawn, or a celeb that you want her to draw to one lucky winner. It's very simple to enter this contest so please enter :) I entered a couple times and I hope I win because she is very talented. I could go on forever about how talented she is, but I'm not going to because you might get bored.. but just do me a favor and check out her accounts. Links below.


 I hope you enjoy watching her videos and reading her writing :) 
This is a portrait that she drew of DulceCandy87 (a youtube makeup guru) it's amazing! Sorry I couldn't rotate it, it wouldn't work on my computer. I would show you her portrait of Justin Bieber but she doesn't have a picture of that portrait on her twitter. So, I guess you'll have to check it out on her youtube account. Hope you enjoyed this picture. Isn't she amazing?? Check her out. 

 Well, this is the end of my 100th post, I hope you enjoyed and sorry for making you wait so long. I'll try to get back to posting once a day. I'll talk to you in my next post, if I can ever think of ideas for it! Until next time... Thanks for reading! Hope you liked it! :D 

1 comment:

  1. You have got to be the sweetest person on this earth! LOL! Thank you so much hun! You have now made yesterday and today very good days for me :-) I love your blog!! I'm gonna go follow you and subscribe and all that after I finish this!
    nicole (PacificPastime)
