Sunday, May 9, 2010

Thoughtful Picture of the Day.

  Try to remember back, waaaay back.. to that post I wrote about...... normal. Do you remember what you first thought when you saw the title, do you remember what you thought when you were done reading. Probably not, but can you remember the last time you felt self-conscious, that's not a hard one.. is it? 

 Lots of people are self conscious, I just wanted to show you a little bit of proof that it's mostly teenagers who care, how average they are, how normal they are.. what people think of them. Think about it, what was your first guess... what age group did you think was most likely to Google how skinny or fat they should be? I know for a fact you didn't think it was elementary kids.. did you think adults? That only leaves one option. Us, the youth of today. Teenagers.

 I was recently on the computer, randomly Googling away, when I happened to type in 'What is the average weight...' Now, of course my sentence was not yet finished.. but Google was already one step ahead of me. Google showed me all of the most searched questions regarding average weight, can you take a guess what I saw... I'll show you. 

 Enlarge it, I dare you. All of these reference websites included either troubled teens saying that they didn't know what the average weight was, or troubled teens complaining about their diets, and weight loss activities. There was also the odd concerned parent giving the children a lecture about how they're beautiful no matter how much or little they weigh. Typical parenting. Why do people care what they look like? Why do WE care what WE look like for that matter? I'm not saying that I'm not one of those troubled teens that thinks they weigh too much, or they're too skinny. I'm asking WHY! What do you think? 

 Please think about this picture tonight, or tomorrow, maybe in a week.. but make sure you take the time.. maybe it will change your way of eating. Maybe you'll find that you're not dieting as much... just think about it. 

 I hope you enjoyed this post. I would love for you to tell me your thoughts in a RE: post. Just send me a link to your RE: post in the comment area below if you do end up doing one. Thanks! 

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