Monday, May 10, 2010

Picnik and Polyvore.

 I have recently discovered a website called Picnik, basically it's a website that allowed people to upload their photos and completely edit them. I'm talking completely, you can pretty much do anything. Whether you're a premium member or not. You can become a member easily enough, for a small fee. Members can do the coolest things, as per the usual (cortni.) I'm going to show you a couple of things that member can do, and maybe somethings that people who are not members can do. 

 The first picture is going to be something that only members can do, blemish remover, and air brush. It's pretty cool, and comes in handy. Check this transformation out! 

 Okay, this is before airbrush... just analyze the picture, find all of the blemishes... hint- it's not that hard ;) ! 

 You can't see very well, because I couldn't save it, as I'm not a premium member. But do me a favor and click between this picture, and this page.. then scroll up to the first picture (without airbrush) and let me know what you think! Amazing isn't it! 

 Now, I'm going to show you a couple of things that I did not being a member, they're not so extravagant, but they're okay! 

 I did this one, it sort of sucks, because of all the different themes, and whatnot. You know, color changes. The quote, I made up myself.. inspired by Picnik ;) It say " who needs to be airbrushed, when you can be natural? " :) 

 I did this one also, well I'll just stop repeating myself and put it all out there, I did all of the pictures that I'm going to be showing you. I simply fuzzed out the image except for my messed up face, added a flower in the corner. And wrote an inspirational word. The first one that came to mind was "BELIEVE!" I was thinking of making it longer, but it just didn't look right. This one word fit just fine :) 

 Can you see the elephant? This one was going to be better.. but I didn't have much time. I just wanted to do a silly random one. I camouflaged a little elephant on this picture.. do you see it? I'm not that great with the whole matching colors scheme, notice how the letters in the top left-hand corner are completely different shade than his jacket? Anyways, did you find the elephant. Let me know in the comments section. 

 Isn't she gorgeous, can you guess what I did for this picture.. if you thought "Wow, her teeth are white!" Then you were mistaken, that is another one of the many glorious features of picnik. It has a "Teeth Whitening" option. You simply drag the mouse over the areas of teeth that you want to whiten.. and TA-DA! Instant shiny. Now, of course her teeth were almost this white before.. but she still wanted to shine them up a bit. 

 I'm not really sure what I did to this picture, I think I altered the saturation level slightly. Doesn't look too different, but if you look to the right of my posts area, you'll see that this picture was about 30* grayer before I picniked it. I also rounded the edges, just for the looks. 

 My last one, I personally think it looks better with all around color. But this is a picture of my dad and my sister. I came up with the quote myself, and I added the little sticker of a family. I hope you like it, I think I might have whitened their teeth also.. maybe not. Actually, I don't think I did whiten their teeth for this one. WOW! Nice teeth Daddy and Nyah! I like how in this picture, they're both covered in mud, and they're all sweaty.. but it's still a beautiful moment of family captured by a camera. I guess I was there at the right time. Don't they both look so happy. Color really brings out a picture. Which is why I'm not happy that the grey level in this picniked photo is taking the life out of it. Anyways, they look happier than ever! 

 That was the last picture, I did a couple more.. but I couldn't save them because.. again I'm not a premium member. I hope you enjoyed seeing all the wonders of Picnik. Now, I'm going to talk to you about Polyvore.

 Polyvore is another photo editing site, in a different way. It is more centered on helping people to create collages virtually, create different outfits.. just let their heart out. You can add all different objects and crop, rotate, and resize them. It's not so much photo editing as it is making collages. I'll show you some cool examples that people have done online Polyvore, then I'll show you some of the not-so-cool ones that I have made. Here we go. 

 This is just a 'set' (as they're called on polyvore) that I found on the main login page. I like it a lot, and thought of it creative. So I decided to show it to you guys. Do you like? 

 I rather like this one, a lot actually. Can you take a guess why? As you can see, it's mostly girls that use polyvore. But I do have a couple of 'guy friends' that create sets on here, and have an account also. They DO have guy items. 

 I like this one because it is so creative, the way she got the blank outline of the coffee cup, and filled it in with eye shadows and other varieties of makeup. How original, and altogether creative? Wouldn't you say so yourself?

 Now I'm going to show you some of the sets I've created. I'll show you a couple.. TWO! That's it :) If you wish to see all of my sets, the bad and the good. Then copy this link into your URL bar.

 It will automatically take you to my polyvore account and show you all of the sets I've created since I joined.. which was just over a year ago. I'm not that dedicated to it anymore though. So there's not that many. I think I'm going to start up again though :) Anyways, we should be getting onto the photos now, shan't we? 

 I just wanted to make a blue collage set, I'll copy and paste the description that I made about it for my polyvore account. 

This one is alright.. didn't have that much time.. I had it saved as a draft at one point because I had given up on it. But then today I decided to get started on it! ;)

 Keep in mind that I put all of the words on here, arranged all of the fonts and what not. Do you like? Comment in the comment box and let me know which one you like the best, when you're finished reading this post. Thanks :) ! 

 This one is one of the betters ones that I've created, the theme is blue and green. Once again, I created all of the letters and fonts, and once again AGAIN here is the description from my profile. 

I kind of just felt like doing something using the colors green and blue for themes. This was my second set, I'm getting.. better! ;)

 This one is obviously a pink theme, here is the description. 

 this one is inspired by ed hardy kindda... hahah :P enjooy..

 This one took a while, I think I added too many things... one picture is a little amount. I didn't use enough space up, do you still like? Here's the description from when I posted it. It's kind of long. 

 Tell me if you like it, or if you think i should change anything or take somehting off.. me myself.. I think it has a lot of writing and a messed up format.. but I'm positive i will get better hahah :) Most of the sets i see are AMAZING then i look at mine and I'm like "Woah! I have a lot to learn!" And it's true.. I DO! But I will!

 Here is a correction comment that I posted on this one. 

 oops, when I was actually making it the music note had no white background.. it looked better like that.. but i guess it's still alright! :)

 Please comment on this post letting me know which one was your favorite. Or go to my account at to view all of my sets. I'm going to get to work on one right now. Or, maybe I'll save it for tomorrow when I'm not so tired. I hope you liked this post, and didn't find it boring at the slightest. BYE! =) Maybe give polyvore or picnik a try next time you're bored. You never know, you may come to enjoy it. ;) ! 

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