Sunday, May 9, 2010

If money could talk...

 If money could talk it would be a wonderful thing. If money could talk, we would be jealous. If money could talk it would have been around the world and back again! 

 If money could talk, it would have been living like tomorrow is it's last day on earth. Money has probably done more than me with it's life! I personally think that if money could talk we would all sit in a circle around a fire and gander at all of the wonderful stories that it would tell. Wouldn't that be an amazing thing. 

 If only money could talk.. I think that this is an expression that lots of people use, maybe not in a day-to-day conversation, but I've heard it casually used quite a few times. I've never really gotten to listen to the real meaning of this saying.....
   " If only money could talk..." 

 In this post I'm going to try to explain to you in my own words, what I think the meaning of this expression truly is. 

 I think that this expression is meant to show us just how many stories money could tell if it could talk. Just how many places money has been. There's many areas that people use this saying. Personally, I've never gotten the chance to use it in an everyday conversation.. but some people do. I'm kind of having a writers block right now, but I have a couple more quick things to say before I give up on this topic all together.

 First of all, some people could look at this in a completely different way, and use it for parenting. You know, some children just can't keep coins out of their mouths? Well, some parents might differ and use this quote as a parenting line. I don't think it's very common though. This is just a mind theory of mine. They could tell their children 'What if money could talk?' Hinting that money has been in many places, and you never know where.. unless money could talk. Well, it makes more sense in my head!

 My next theory, is that it's a way to express how important money is. It's so useful that's it's been used so much, that it's been all over the place. Therefore, has a lot of stories to tell. Try thinking of it this way, money is so important to us that we use it all the time. And, it's constantly getting traded between owners. Now that I think about it, money is never owned. Only temporarily. Think about that. Anyways, since we use the money so much.. it could be in Cuba one day and Canada the next. See what I mean? Well, maybe you don't.. this is all kind of rough as I'm typing it out. Onto the next and final theory.

 This is the most realistic theory that I could come up with, and it's also my opinion. 

 It's just a saying, quit searching for a deeper meaning. And live with it! It's a saying, exactly what it sounds like. If it's "If only money could talk..." Then obviously it means somebody wants money to talk, because it would have amazing stories. Hence the 'if only.' The rest is pretty self-explanatory. 

 I hope you liked this post. It was pretty short, but believe it or not.. I spent five days working on it. HAHA! I just kept on giving up, because I would get bored.. then come back and work on a theory. I'm aiming for quality not quantity ;) 

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