Thursday, May 6, 2010

Teagan's IT8 Blog.

 Hola my fellow bloggers, Info Tech recently ended. Sadly, there will be no more Adventures in Info Tech posts.. as there will be no more Info Tech. I'm very bummed, and sad, and yadah, yadah, yadah. 

 The reason I'm making this post is to make sure you're aware that even though Info Tech has ended I will not be abandoning my IT8 Blog. I hope you check it out. 
             Here's the link ----->

 Anyways, I haven't quite figured out 'Edublogs' yet.. I personally like Blogger better. But I'm saving that topic for another post. So, I'm not sure if you can follow your friends blogs on Edublogs. I have so much I could say, I'm about ready to turn this post around and do an Edublogs vs. Blogger post. This will most definitely be my next post. This was super short. I just wanted to briefly inform you that I won't be abandoning my other blog. I am just not going to post on it as much as I do this one. 

 I post on Teagan's Galaxy once a day, as long as I can find the time, and I'm only going to post on Teagan's IT8 Blog every second day.. most likely being Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.. probably not the weekend. Unless I have some spare time throughout the weekend. Hopefully I can pull this off... managing two blogs. I'm also considering changing the name of my other blog.. the IT8 blog. If you have any ideas, then please don't be scared to leave them as a comment on this post. I would really like to hear anything you've got. 

 I hope this wasn't too boring, or short. Please, feel free to comment with any ideas you have for names of my other blog! ADIOS! :D 

 Blog posts to come-- Edublogs vs. Blogger

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