Friday, May 7, 2010

What my weekends shaping out to look like.

 My weekends not looking too interesting, but I just thought I would let you know what it's looking like. So far, I'm going to be delivering papers tomorrow morning, and then I'm free all day until later that evening when I have to babysit until after midnight. I'm not sure if I'm going to sleep at their house or come home, because they live like... SUUPER close to my house. Within seconds of my house actually. Anyways, I've got absolutely nothing official planned for Sunday. A lot of people have been asking me to hang out and I've been replying with "Maybe Sunday!" But on Sunday I will figure out whether I'm going to be hanging out with somebody or just sitting at home on the computer blogging. I like that solution. I've done enough posts tonight to cover this entire weekend. But I'm still going to try and fit some posting time in here and there this weekend. The weekend seems short when I put it into text format. It seems boring, I wish I had more to tell you but I truly don't. Maybe I'll have more to tell you Sunday night if I do a post about what I ACTUALLY did this weekend. Sorry that this post is so short.. I wish that I had something to link it with but my day today was actually really boring. Except that it was my first Metalworks day, which I've already covered in a separate post. I think I'm going to make possibly ONE MORE post tonight. Jeez, I'm so kind hearted. I'm a push over. I didn't even want to make a single post tonight, but this blog got the best of me.. anyways. BYEE! =) Sorry for such a very short post. OH SO SHORT!

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