Sunday, May 2, 2010

My thoughts on Procrastination.

Procrastination is evil. We all do it, one time or another. Put something off until the very last minute.. even if we get it done at that very last minute.. you know you don't feel good about it. I'm going to let you know what I think of procrastination. 

 Procrastination is always a big thing for me, it's constantly affecting me. Making me put important things off in my life for things that I think at the time are more important. Such as, cleaning my room, or doing my homework. I might put both of those things off to go on the computer. This is okay if it happens once, but if it starts to happen constantly then clearly you should be doing something about it. 

 I haven't gotten over my procrastination, or I wouldn't be making this blog post rather than getting onto what really matters, the empty french and english worksheets waiting in my backpack two floors down! Anyways, I find that there's many ways to get over your procrastination issues, if you're really up to it. 

  1.  Give yourself a task, set your mind to it, and get it done. This gives your brain ONE simple task, such as walk to my bedroom... then continue on. This is the easiest way for me to get over my procrastination issues because then I don't have a million things in my mind that my brain wants to do, so I don't find myself doing the easiest tasks first. Always, start out with the hardest tasks. Such as cleaning your room, raking the lawn, doing the dishes, sweeping, vacuuming. Then maybe get onto the homework, maybe there's a t.v. show you enjoy watching. Maybe you have some homework to do on the computer. Make sure you save your 'habit-tasks' as I like to call them for last. Habit-Tasks are tasks that include you using something that is a habit to you. For example, maybe you have to make a phone call about something regarding work or school, save that for last unless it's VERY important because you'll get side-tracked and end up using the phone for hours on end, or maybe you have an e-mail that you have to send out, make sure you save this for last, because you'll get side-tracked and find yourself multi-tasking between the e-mail and facebook! Or whatever it is you enjoy doing on the computer. I find that this happens to me more often than not. 
  2. If you are in the middle of a task or job, and suddenly you think of something more urgent.. then make a mental note that you must finish the more urgent task as quickly as possible. Then, you must get STRAIGHT back to whatever it was you were working on. 
  3. I like to imagine myself as a robot, I imagine that my brain is given simple tasks (refer to number one) and I have to finish them as quickly and efficiently as possible. I find that this works because you are amusing yourself, while working on something that wouldn't normally be amusing. Such as, cleaning your room.
 Procrastination is a form of laziness. If you're devoted enough to the task you should be working on then you would normally be doing it. But laziness gets the best of us sometimes. If you're feeling lazy next time you should be doing something, then jump up off your butt, and do ten jumping jacks! That's an order! Good-Bye my fellow robots! ;) WORK ON!

 I hope that this post was helpful in your on-going quest to overcoming procrastination :P ! BYE!

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