Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thinking Question: Is honesty always the best policy?

This is always said, and not so much heard. Pretty much every elementary teacher I ever had would always be reminding us that honesty is the best policy. But if you did something that could hurt some other person. Would you seriously tell them the complete truth? If it meant hurting them emotionally or getting them into trouble. Now, of course this is an example that is always used but there are many more. Below are my thoughts about honesty always being the best policy!

 In my opinion, like many others, I think honesty can or can't be the best policy. Although, don't get me wrong, most of the times it is! But like I said above.. sometimes the truth hurts and I know that there is a lot of people out there willing to hear the ugly truth. But what about those other people who can't handle the truth, and who would rather hear a pretty little lie. What do you do then? This question I can not answer.. but I do know what I appreciate more.

 If I had to choose between someone lying to me to cover up something that could make me sad, or telling me the truth in the easiest possible way I would choose the truth. Here's why...

 In my opinion lying will always haunt you, kind of like karma. But, if you just put the truth right out there it's bound to hurt some feelings but it will also (hopefully and most of the time) blow right over. Telling the truth is usually when forgiving happens, and there is new beginnings. 

 I guess, in conclusion. My opinion is that honesty is, after all, the best policy. If you think different about it then let me hear it on your blog!! I would love to.

 I hope that you enjoyed hearing my opinion on this! It was kind of fun. But I didn't have much time to dig deeper in my research!! Sorry. BYE. 

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