Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Discussion: Can males and females be friends?

 Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! They most certainly can. That is, if they can take the smart comments that other people will more sooner than late start making about them. But that's just people! Because, they've obviously got nothing better to do than be immature. But this is turning into a Rant type post.. so I'm going to tone it down a bit now. Before I get started this post is a response to my friend Edmond's post which you can read here ---> Discussion: Can Males and Females be friends in High School? Here is a link to his blog alone ---> Edmond's Center

 I'm kind of drawing a blank here, so I'm going to refer back to Edmond's post! Edmond talked a lot about how there would always be some little sexual reaction or something like that deep down. I believe that, but if you really do believe that you can be friends with a member of the opposite sex then I think you can do it! Because it's great to have a vary of friends. Some guys are immature like the guys in my school I'd name people but that would be rude. And they make stupid jokes, and make fun of you. But most of all people start rumors and you need to be able to take those rumors. Basically, (as Edmond stated) Girls and boys are pretty much made to be attracted to each other. But in high school it's like REALLY bad. Because if you're friends with a boy or even wave or talk to them. There goes the rumor! I have a couple of guy friends. And there has been rumors about me and pretty much all of them! I guess that in order to have a friend who is the opposite sex you need to kind of keep them at a distance. Such as, (in Grade 8) you would hang out with mostly people of the same gender as you. And, if you wanted to have friends outside your gender, if you can't take the rumors, you're just going to have to occasionally talk to them and rarely be seen with them. This sounds really harsh even as I read it. But I have learned from personal experience that if you don't ignore the lies going around and kind of just let them blow over then you're in for a disaster all along. It doesn't seem to be as bad in Grades Nine through Twelve. But in Grade eight, maybe because of hormones and all, people are just looking to get a good laugh out of someone. And they will make up stupid things and expect to see you and your friend be together eventually. I guess this doesn't make a lot of sense. I'm kind of just rambling on and on. In the end, all I can say is that. The only thing standing between Girls and Guys having a normal friendship is the people that surround them.. of their age group of course. Because I'm sure you'll realize that as you grow older you mature A LOT. But you'll probably mostly realize that the people around you mature also. In a way, they grow with you! So, you just need to remember that this whole awkwardness between girls and guys at a young age is mostly temporarily! So, let it blow over. Which is exactly what I try to do!! :) All I can say is that I've succeeded at it so far! Hope this post wasn't too boring! Even I was getting bored writing it! I didn't put as much into it as I could have! Anyways, Good Night. 

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