Wednesday, March 24, 2010


 The definition of flexibility in my own words is when somebody can move their body different way and into different shapes that would be harder for others. These people would then be called flexible. There's many ways to work on your flexibility.. some easy stretches are 

- Shoulder stretch
- Triceps stretch
- Chest stretch
- Lower back stretch
- Groin Stretch (we do this is gym) 
- Quadriceps stretch

 If you want to know how to do any of these stretches just post a comment. :) Now! Wikipedia's definition of flexibility is this... The range of motion of a joint, which may be increased by stretching. 

 Warming up before you stretch is important. Almost more important than the stretching itself. Because if you pull a muscle you could be out for 1-8 weeks. And that is only for mild muscle tears. There is plenty of warm ups that are easy to practice on a daily routine. Make sure you practice Dynamic stretching and Static stretching. Mix a little bit of both. Anyways, here are some pictures that my sister helped me take! HAHA. They pretty much suck. But Oh Well! :) 

                                 Half-way there. 

                                Sort of getting it. 


             One leg, as close as it's going to get for now.


 Anyways, I just wanted to see how good I could do that after not doing it for like.. umm I don't know. A year at the least! HAHA! One more move below... 


 I was sitting the camera on the chair so it's not too centered or anything. Anyways, this post was short.. and most likely boring. I'll do another post later tonight. A discussion or something! TALK TO YOU LATER! :) BYEE! 

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