Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Rant: Stupid buses

 This post is a little bit delayed because I should have posted it the day of my first bus ride because it could be a little fresher in my mind. But I remember it well. 

 Here's how it all began... 

- I got on the first bus that came like my sister told me to do, but she also told me to ask if the bus went to 15th Ave. So I did, I asked her if she went to the bus stop on the corner of 15th and Gorse, by Fir and stuff, is exactly what I said. So, I get on the bus, (what I was not aware of was that my bus doesn't come until 3:30, and this bus was there right at 3:00) and we're going all around town, and downtown and then all of a sudden we start going up the Hart, and this guy from my school is like "You're going up to the Hart" (His name is Caleb) and I said "Well, uhh.. today. umm Now! Umm, yes today I am!" I was stuttering because I thought we were going to turn right and go on the new round-a-bout and head to fort george park. So after about 45 minutes of driving around the hart and going down every residential street up there we finally start heading down the hill. The lady then asked me "Who needed to go to 15th, again?" I, obviously, answered with a very quiet And she said "We already passed it so I'll get it on the next time around." After 20 minutes of aimlessly riding around downtown Prince George she dropped me off at some random transfer bus and gave me a ticket. I got on the bus and asked him if he went to my address and he said "Yes." When we got to the pool I asked him again and he said "Yes, but it will be another half an hour until I get you to the transfer bus." I decided it would be quicker to walk home so from the pool (Four Seasons' Pool) I walked to city hall until.... I saw my mom's car coming down the road. She told me to wait a minute and I got in the car with her, and I told her my whole story. It was nearly six o'clock when my mom picked me up. So, we went grocery shopping for lunch stuff and dinner, and got some gas. Then she dropped me off at home and I had to get picked up like 10 minutes later to go to volleyball with my dad! Yes, it was a very hectic day. But out of it I learned that if you get on the right bus in the first place you won't have to ride on a million different buses, and you won't end up getting a VIP tour of the Hart. Thanks for reading. Keep your eyes peeled for my next posts, coming soon! :) 

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