Monday, March 22, 2010

Angelina Wrona

My mom is really close friends with the owner of an art store downtown, and someone who sells art to the art store. It is called Direct Art it's downtown across from The Keg, or something like that. Anyways, my mom saw some art in their one day that caught her eye and she thought I would like it. I have no idea why as most of them are depressed and sad.. well, now I have an idea why!! HAHA :) I really loved the artists' work whose name happens to be Angelina Wrona. So I put a painting on lay away. Which is when you pay for bits and pieces for it at a time. And you get the picture once you have paid for all of it. My mom has mostly paid for it. She put almost 100 dollars on it and I have only put about 40 dollars. Below is my picture! 

This is one of the not so depressing paintings of hers, me and my mom were careful no to pick a over the top emotional painting. I really like the way she mixes traditional anime with cartoons, and real life-like features to create her characters! Below are a couple paintings that I really like of hers. Also here is the link to her official website ---> Angeline Wrona 
 The first one is one of her more creepy ones. It is titled 'Single Again' and the second one I like because it is one of her more human like paintings it is titled, ' Doin the Dishes' LOL, I don't really like this title much.. but then again most of her titles are kind of weird.. and unique!

  The above painting is titled 'Visionary' I like it because of the two different colored eyes! My god sisters dog has eyes exactly like that. The below painting is titled ' Calm before the Storm' I like this one because again it is one of the not so depressed paintings that she has and it is very cute and girly. 

  Below are two of her (again) more human-like paintings. I especially like these ones because of the details in their outfits. And the raw emotion in their faces. Once again, these few paintings I'm showing you are just to show you the ones that popped off of the page for me!

  On the top is titled 'Betrayed' and the bottom is titled 'Bridesmaid' The one on the right is my favorite of the two. Because up close the emotion and sadness in the woman on the top is too much for me to bear! 

  If you check out the website I would really appreciate it so that you can see what I mean by her having a lot of... unique paintings and creepy ones at that! But, who knows! They must appeal to someone! I have realized that the paintings are about $200 cheaper on the website.. so I think the next paintings of hers that I purchase are definately going to be off of this website. I met someone in Grande Prairie that had a babysitter who had two whole walls of her bedroom covered in just Angelina Wrona's pictures.. obviously obsessed. She also has smaller versions of her pictures available. I won't post the size chart giving the sizes you can get because it's on the website. I really want some smaller ones because the one I have on lay away is a larger one. And it would look great with some smaller ones from the same collection. Anyways, this was probably boring. But I do hope you check out the website and see some of the creepy paintings! GOOD NIGHT! 

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