Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Golden Arches!

 Well, today I'm going to write about McDonalds. I'm in Info Tech, but this post deserves it's own space! 

 First of all, I'm going to address the oh so common conversation topic about McDonalds being very unhealthy. I agree that it probably isn't the best thing to be eating day after day. But still, it's a good treat to have once in a while. The concern that people mostly have with McDonaldsis how fatty and unhealthy it is. I agree with them a hundred percent. But if you're having McDonalds once a month it's not a problem, to me! Even twice a month could be okay. It's all about portions and currency! To me, I don't think that McDonalds should be so penalized. But I'm sure a good, thorough documentary about the McDonalds corporation. Just like Food Inc. If you haven't seen or heard about it then I really think that you should check it out or google it. Another thing I wanted to quickly mention about McDonalds is that (in Canada atleast) they have very high competition with Tim Hortons. If you haven't yet noticed.. last year around the same time Tim Hortons released their roll up the rim to win contest. McDonalds started giving away free coffee, and again, if you haven't notice McDonalds AGAIN started giving away free coffee. My dad was getting this free coffee from McDonalds, until, and I don't know why.. I let him know about the reoccurring event that ever so mischievously reappeared this year yet again! He just.. stopped getting the free coffee from McDonalds and went back to his usual over obsessive Tim Hortons coffee purchase routine. I don't know why, so don't blame me. LOL, anyways Info Tech is over so I need to go, I will edit this post tonight! Hope you enjoyed.

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