Wednesday, March 24, 2010

How the years change us!

 Has anybody ever noticed that they suddenly care what people think about you? Don't you miss the days when you didn't.. and when people didn't swear or think it was cool to bully other kids. I know I sure do. This is going to be a basic post about how I think I've changed since I was young. (Some pictures included.) 

 Anyways, from what I can remember Elementary years were the best of my life. Everything was all okay! I didn't have as many worries. And I didn't have as many privileges which also means.. that I didn't have as many responsibilities! It was great in Grade One, everybody was friends with everybody, and it was o.k. to be friends with guys! Although there was one bully in the class who I still go to school with today and he hasn't changed at all, so I guess the years don't change all of us. Getting back to the topic, I really liked being young and in elementary because there wasn't so much pressure on what you have to look like, and who likes you, and how many friends you had. Most of the time I wish I was still back in Elementary school. Mostly, because I loved my elementary school and it was just a great place to be. But also because there was no rumors, and gossip going around. And everything like that. I think that it seems more like the environment is changing around me more than I am actually changing as a person. such as, schools, home, and friends are changing. Mostly the people around me. They seem to be changing.. but more drastically as I enter High School. There is more bullying, and people who think it's cool to call people stupid (not you Edmond.) I think the years have changed me a lot too though I'm more.. I don't know.. I just don't find name calling as funny anymore. And, stuff like that. As a person, I don't think I have changed too drastically. But I can type 100× faster! HAHA, but some people around me (back to the environment around me) have changed as in makeup, clothing, speech etc. I don't wear makeup. I wear the same clothes I always did.. besides my school uniform from elementary which brings me to another topic.. I miss uniform a lot! Uniform was something I hated wearing everyday to school. But now that I'm in high school I realize that what my sister said when she was first going into Grade 8 was true.. she said I would miss uniform for sure. And I do. I miss not having to worry about what I'm going to wear everyday of the week. And, I miss not being judged or criticized about what I wore, because everywhere around me; everybody was wearing the same thing! Anyways, heres two pictures.. the youngest one I can find of me and the latest 2 I can find of me to give you an image of how I have changed! It's pretty easy to spot the differences in these two photos! 

 The above pictures are of me and my Mom, notice the baby food! And the below two pictures are my two latest pictures of me!  


  Upcoming Posts: What is Normal? AND Uniforms or No Uniforms? 

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