Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Adventures in Info Tech- First real class.

We're in Info Tech right now, it's the last block of the day and we only have five minutes left so this is going to be a very short post. Anyways, today we did typing and it wasn't that fun because it was how you have to start and finish every little exercise so you get stupid things like " jjj kkk lll " I didn't enjoy that much but then we started doing e-mail which is really fun. The cool thing is that you're pretty much allowed to do anything on the side while you're learning a message. E-mailing people in our class is pretty much what we do. We then did some Tim and Moby videos and did a quiz after that. About online safety. I got eight out of ten. And Devin got nine out of ten. But that was only because I did one for him :( HAHA. Anyways, I feel bad for Edmond because he wasn't allowed to switch out of... Mechanics. I have to go now. It's the end of the day! (p.s. we're listening to music on youtube right now. My song is baby by justin bieber) I'll try to write a post everyday in Info Tech ! BYE!

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