Wednesday, March 31, 2010


 Hello, and I'm sorry I haven't posted anything very much lately. But as you may remember from my earlier posts I am now in Info Tech. It's my latest elective. In Info Tech you get a new e-mail address and blog. I don't like the blog server at ALL! It absolutely sucks. It's so hard to make posts, and it's just plain outdated! Anyways, I should say something nice about it.. it's a great way for teachers to add students to their account, it's like one big network of blogs. I don't know.. but I think they pretty much invented it for that! Here's the link to my blog. I only have two posts. We don't do one everyday, we weren't even supposed to post the second one until tomorrow.. but he said if I was 'keen enough' I could do it. The link is to the right ---> Teagan's IT8 Blog Make your own edublog here --->Edublogs! On to the hoarding.. I hoard a lot. I start a lot of collections. Right now I've got a couple on the go.. starting with TicTac case collection, Mighty Beans, and Sharpies. :) I have taken some pictures of my TicTac and Mighty Bean collections. I'll start with the Tic Tacs! 

This isn't even half of my actual TicTac collection, the rest of them are at my old house on Musa Rd. I have a 100 pack of Tic Tacs (I ate them all) at my old house also, I'm going to get them in the summer though.. so I hope I can still do a post then! 

Just another picture of my Tic Tac collection. I have a lot more.. lost all over the place. I wish I could find them. :) You would be amazed. This is pretty wimpy LOL! Notice all the dirt. We need to sweep. LOL 

 Next is my Mighty Bean collection, if you don't know what these are then here's a short description from my point of view about what they are. 

 Mighty beans come in all different colorand they have all different kinds of animated faces and bodys on them, they are available in most department stores such as, Wal-Mart and London Drugs. They are actually made as collectible toys! They have some sort of metal ball in them and they roll around. The cool part is that they bounce around in your hand every time you breath because your hand moves ever so slightly, it's pretty cool. The reason I started collecting these is because they're cheap (if purchased in moderation) and they're really cute, and cool to have. Maybe when I grow up I will pass my collection down to my kids! That would be cool! :D This is a little bit too long of a definition, I'm done now. 

 The pictures below are not only of my mighty beanz, I don't have too many kind of alike my Tic Tac collection, but it's slowly growing. Anyways, below are the Mighty Beanz, mine and Keera's mine are in the back row. We both have the same amount, just to let you know. I started the family fad of having Mighty Beanz, Nyah and Brynn also bought some.. but they lost theirs :( what a waste. I know. 

There is the merged mighty bean collection. If you look close enough there is two short and fat beanz, those are Super Ultra Rare Beanz, they're very collectible. The beanz rank from 'Common' 'Rare' and 'Super Ultra Rare' I think that each pack of six mighty beans comes with a Super Ultra Rare bean, but not the three pack. By the way, there is (to my knowledge) common super ultra rare beanz!! haha :D It makes sense if you read it slowly. There is more than 150 different Mighty Beanz out there to collect and me and Keera plan to collect them all!! :D 

This is where I temporarily keep my two collections, until I get the rest of the Tic Tac collection, I'll need a waay bigger box. I have a box at home. In beaverly. But, I don't have it now :(! I made this box, below is a picture of the painted and simply decorated lid. My sister Brynn made one two I'll show you both of them. 

This is mine, I painted the lines behind the bees, and I painted all around the box. It was really fun, and I think we'll be doing something similar on easter weekend, because my dad's friend is super creative and we do crafts at her house and we might go there this weekend! FUN! :D 

This is my sister Brynn's box that she made. She made it for memories. I didn't look inside but I'm pretty sure it's empty LOL! She's putting a picture of her in between the two bees though. Which is something I've been meaning to do to mine also!! LOL! I'm such a procrastinator. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this post. And here is a short video (not so short) to finish off the post. I saved it for last so that it would cheer you up Edmond. I hope it does! 

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