Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Didn't Mama ever teach you manners?

 My biggest pet peeve is people who chew with their mouths open, or talk with their mouths full. It is actually very disgusting. I can't stand it. It's like.. seriously, URRGG! Anyways, I chew with my mouth closed all the time. And I try to over exaggerate my close mouth chewing so that maybe people around me will notice but they never do. Now, I could probably go on forever about how disgusting it is when people chew with their mouths open or talk with their mouths full but I know it wouldn't be that interesting so I'm going to move onto the next paragraph now. 

 With my family members, younger sisters mostly I tend to gently tap the bottom of their chins to remind them to chew with their mouths open. They get annoyed easily so they kind of just start chewing louder and more obnoxious, yes! With their mouths open! My mom thinks it's no big deal but it bugs me so MUCH! I don't even eat at the same table as them if it gets really bad. I'm not saying they try to chew gross all the time. But it's just.. I don't know. I can hear (with my eyes closed) when somebody is chewing the way they shouldn't be. When I'm over at a friends house I will plug my ears if they chew gross. And it sounds really rude of me to do so. But it bothers me to insanity!! Like, I could go crazy over how much it bugs me! Especially this friend I have who obviously can't eat pancakes, or anything for that matter without sounding like a cow. (notice im not mentioning names) Pancakes are just the worst food to EVER eat with her. Which is why I try to stick to cereal.. or yogurt! I just went on Google and tried to figure out if there was actually a phobia (proper name) for when people chewing with their mouths open drives you insane. Sadly, there is not.. so I can just call it my pet peeve.. or phobia. Anyways, I just wanted to let you guys know my biggest pet peeve. It bothers me a lot. If you want to do a response or reply to this post it would be cool! I would like to hear about your biggest pet peeve(s)! 

 Upcoming Posts: What age can do to you! 

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