Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Making my Blog more readable and Bad examples.

 I was recently informed by my older sister... Cortni. That my blog is very boring. Well actually she kind of said that my whole life is boring. So, I have decided that from now on I am going to try to get more interesting blog topics to post about. If anybody (Edmond or Cortni) has any ideas as to what I should write about then please let me know. Because I don't want to bore anybody to death... :) Anyways, I thought that my average days were pretty interesting. But I realize now that I'm going to have to work harder to make them more 'readable' if I'm going to write about them every day after school. This post is too short to actually be considered a real post.. So I'm now adding another sort of. Link-Post. 


 My opinion on this topic is that it is wrong. Well, in a way models striving to be the smallest of the small is kind of sad. Because I think that super skinny people aren't the prettiest! You need to have some meat on your so people don't think that you're starving to death or something. 

 The two titles that I have created are not that thorough. So I'm just going to explain exactly what I hope to make this post about. It's basically about whether or not I think that skinny models are bad examples to teenagers, preferably girls. As I stated above, I don't think that skinny models are the problem. They're only part of the problem. Girls that think they are too fat are mostly just influenced by their peers. Well, at least this is how it is in my environment. People are pretty much just pressured by what they think their friends will think about how they look that they strive to be super skinny. Anorexia isn't really a major problem at my school. I have never actually had a friend that I know of who was dealing with anorexia. People used to make fun of me and call me anorexic, but everyone knew that they were just 'kidding.' Anyways, getting back on topic here. Girls in magazines aren't really much of the problem because most young stars such as Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato and more don't really take weight loss to the extreme. They're young still and they're normal! But I think that it's not that girls my age are striving to be outrageously skinny like some super models but they are striving to be normal. Which brings me to another topic which I will write about in a seperate post. What is normal? Is normal fitting in, being average weight for your age? Well, I guess being average weight is good. But for those people who are just naturally over weight but still active. Who really cares what they look like. As long as they're themselves. And this line is very played out even I know but it's very true!! I don't see very much bullying as in pushing and shoving in Grade eight but there is a lot of 'friendly' name calling. Mostly about people's weight. In conclusion, models that thrive to be skinny is barely a sliver of the problem. It's their job. And it's who they choose to be.. I guess that's just them. Do people ever think about their end of the story? Maybe they are being themselves by being super super skinny. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this post. And I will be posting my next post. 

 Look forward to- Discussion: Can boys and girls have a real friendship?

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