Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Scary false alarm.

 If you have read Edmond's latest blog post titled 'Today:' then you probably already know what this is going to be about by reading my title. Anyways, here's how it happened I was probably in the library when it did though.(I have a feeling that this is going to be a very short blog post but I will try) Edmond tells the story better from a first person point of view so check out his blog if mine isn't juicy enough ----> Edmond's Center. Anywaaaays, I was in the library and Edmond went to the Mechanics/Metal Works room to get a free muffin which the teacher Mr.Wey normally has once a week I think. But I wouldn't know because I'm not a regular. I've only had a muffin once because Edmond brought it to me, because I'm too scared to go in there. Back to the story, it's getting harder and harder to stay on track!! Jeez, so Edmond went down the hallway a bit before 12:00 PM (I saw him.) And, then I left to the library so I didn't see him lying on the floor practically dying. So I went to the library with Chloe and Ashley to finish my english project that I did all by myself. I was just sitting down when Dalan offered to help me out with the coloring. I refused because he looked pretty busy reading AND talking to friends at the same time. He then told me that Edmond might not be in English because he had had an allergic reaction to a muffin from Mr.Wey's room, and he might be going home. I was sad, and worried at the same time because typical me.. I'm always thinking the worst of things. Never on the positive side! I thought he could be really, really sicks, or worse in the hospital. Or the thought that just briefly crossed my mind.. in the hospital.. dead. And, I admit it sounds a bit extreme. But you never know what could happen. Some people do die from allergic reactions.. but I'm probably making Edmond just a tad uncomfortable here, so I think I'll stop there. So, that is the highlight of my day pretty much.. and not because it was the coolest or funniest thing that happened.. but it was pretty exciting. Yet scaaary! I think I'm going to go now, I've still got one last post to do before I head off to bed to read my... I'm saving that for the next post. Hope you enjoyed reading this uber short post about Edmond's allergic reaction! I wish I could have expanded more on the ways that people die from allergic reactions but then I would have lost a reader 3 quarters of the way through my post (the reader being YOU Edmond.) Hope my fingers have enough energy in them to type out one more post! Bye.  

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