Thursday, March 25, 2010

Edmond Lo IS Origami Master

 This post is in honor of the Origami MASTER, formerly known as Edmond Lo. If you check out his blog he often has posts that show his true art for origami. You may view his blog here --->Origami Master! He recently made me some origami and gave it to me today at school! It's awesome that he could make this. Below is a brief description ALL about it.

 Edmond basically made me a ninja star, made of origami.. but he made it cooler. SOMEHOW (who knows how) he made it able to transform into a frisbee. It's really quite amazing. He made a rose also, I haven't received it yet but there's pictures on his blog. And it is picture perfect. Anyways, continuing about the transforming star. It's amazing.. below are pictures of the star.. and pictures of it once I transformed it. There's a lot of pictures.. but I just wanted you guys to see the true beauty of the origami he made from all angles. An ordinary ninja star would take Edmond 2 minutes TOPS! But this magic transforming piece of art that he made for me took him 40 minutes, and he had to use twelve pieces of special origami paper to create it!!! A usual ninja star would have had 4 points (corners), but the one he made me had a total of 8 (pointy corners). He also chose really great colors. They look awesome together. Anyways, view the photos below. 

                               Not yet transformed. 

                      Closer view, still not transformed.

                            Transformed into the frisbee

     This picture was meant to show the dimension of the frisbee.

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