Thursday, March 4, 2010

Discussion: People who say they do not want or need to use the World Wide Web

  We all know them, or have heard of them.. or are one of them. Let's call them 'Old fashioned.'
 I'm not trying to make them sound like some big dangerous clan or anything. And, I congratulate them on being able to survive without the internet. Because most of the time it does become a habit. But it doesn't always have to! People who can use the computer for a half hour everyday are balancing internet and THEIR LIFE. But people like me who are on the computer every minute I get a chance... well let's just say we don't manage our lives and computer time very wisely! 

Some people argue and say that internet is changing the world! And that is a little over-exaggerated in my eyes. Because I don't think that internet will cause social isolation in any way. But, people who say this do have a point. Because half the people who chat on the internet are completely shy in real life... but I wouldn't say that computers are taking over man-kind! 

 Am I addicted?
-How to know when you should stop

a) When you hear a good joke 'LOL' is the first thing that pops into your head!
b) Your bookmark list needs it's own hard drive. 
c) You can go about your daily online tasks.... BLINDFOLDED!
d) You start using 'smileys' in High School essays.
e) When your connection goes down, you spend every waking minute trying to guess your neighbors password so that you can "borrow" their internet.

 Now, I know that I'm guilty of a few of those things.. but I also wish that I could cut back on my internet time. My dad doesn't use the internet because he doesn't believe in it at all. He never even learned how to use one because he doesn't care, he's also 53. I know some people who have never known how to use a computer but it's kind of becoming like a cell phone now.. a horrible thing that has (over time) become a necessity. People who have never used computers before are now getting computer classes just so that they can learn how to check their e-mail. I'm not against it but I do think that computers have become very addicting. But, like I said some people DO know how to manage their computer time so that it's not too irregular. 

 I hope this post didn't get off topic too much!! :) Thanks for reading! 

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