Thursday, March 25, 2010

Adventures in Info Tech: Do you just not know what a computer is?

 Hey guys, this post is just going to be about how some people in my Info Class pretty much don't know how to use a computer. It really bothers me. Because there's a huge screen on the wall where you can pretty much see every little thing he's clicking on or typing, it's pretty simple people. And, also. Just because it's not a real full class doesn't mean you don't have to pay attention. Like, some people really need to just sit down and be quiet. I can't imagine what it's like to be a teacher. This post is really short. But I just wanted to post a quick little post explaining what I think (In barely two sentences) about people who never listen in class. I may be being a hypocrite here.. because maybe people like classes that I don't pay attention in. But if you don't know how to access internet, then in our society.. you must be.. let's just say deprived! Or something along those lines. Because seriously everyone in the world, pretty much, should at least know how to access the internet.. I sound really mean there. But if he shows you the icon, and tells you how to get onto it.. then I guess I'm just trying to say that you should know how to get onto the internet. He pretty much gives step-by-step instructions on everything.. and he still ends up having to walk around the classroom and assisting everybody on everything INDIVIDUALLY! Anyways, I'll be posting hopefully a lot of posts this weekend because we have a long weekend SEE YA! :) BYEE! 

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